A National Day is a date for a country to celebrate its nationhood. - Zkon o podmienkach vkonu volebnh", "The Effectiveness of Early Voting A Case Study of the Republic of Korea", "Ley Orgnica 5/1985, de 19 de junio, del Rgimen Electoral General", "Elections in Venezuela and Pennsylvania: Lessons in Democracy? Do you think it's time for the US to follow their lead? 11 July (Tuesday): Celebration of the Golden Spurs (Day of the Flemish Community) - celebrates the victory of the count of Flanders and the borough militia against the king of France outside Courtrai. Some countries, including Belgium and Turkey, see such high voter turnout mainly because of their compulsory voting laws.
Would Making Election Day a Federal Holiday Boost U.S. Voter Turnout Maybe that could give us some hint as to the frequent foreign sensitivities and accusations, right or wrong, about Western foreign policy echoing old colonial practices. In 1845, when Congress established a national election day, it had to be a Tuesday because farmers went to church on Sunday, went to market on Wednesday, and may have needed a day, Monday, to get to their polling place, Gil Troy an American presidential historian and McGill University professor told HuffPost. Explain your answer. In the 2016 election, only 56% of voting-age Americans cast their ballots. The U.S. House of Representatives just passed H.R. To combat these efforts, lawmakers nationally have introduced HR1 (the John Lewis Act) and S1, which would enact a number of important provisions: improve ballot access, create nonpartisan redistricting commissions to reduce gerrymandering, provide automatic voter registration when people turn 18, allow at least 15 days of early voting,mandate that presidential candidates disclosure their federal tax returns, and require greater disclosure of so-called dark money campaign contributions.
Election Practices in Other Countries That America Could Learn From [1] The decision was made taking into account farmers, a large portion of the voting constituency at the time, who would not have been able to travel to polling places in winter months or during planting or harvest times. By Monday morning, nearly 60 million had already voted early across the country, closing in on half of 2016's total voter turnout. Others say a holiday would disadvantage low-income and blue collar workers and corporations should have better policies for voting time off. And some countries, like Australia, require people to vote by subjecting those who dont to a minor fine equivalent to a traffic ticket. Australia sees around 91%, and 94% in Singapore. Runoffs take place on the last Sunday of the same October. As for Denmark, it has a national liberation day and some people celebrate international worker's day, but neither is a public holiday. Elections Project, which is close to the complete voter . Democracy on the ballot will the remaining election deniers succeed? / CBS News. Rather, federal elections are held on the third Monday of October, every four years .
Should election day be made a national holiday? | Britannica Granderson: Why aren't Democrats making election day a state holiday Consider the pandemic, which has not given essential workers more time off. Sign up to receive a weekly email update on forthcoming public holidays around the world in your inbox every Sunday.
National Holiday Act in India - Laws for Festival, Public Holidays Saudi Arabia's marks the 1932 unification of the country. Omissions? An ordinary act of Congress could move Election Day to a Saturday or make it a holiday, thereby giving more people more .
Would turnout go up if we didn't have to vote on a workday? [7] A handful of states have made election day a state holiday, including New York, Hawaii, Kentucky, and, in Apr. As of mid-May Republicans in 48 states have introduced 389 bills that would reduce the hours polls are open; forbid people from eating or drinking while waiting in line to vote; close voter registration on Sundays, when Black churches traditionally have organized their members to register and vote; repeal no excuse absentee voting; and create a long list of other barriers to voting. Traditionally on weekends. And there is no better way to secure democracy than to ensure that everyone has not only the right to vote, but also the meaningful opportunity to cast their ballots. Most of these 19 states' policies only cover general elections, though. It would give people time to vote. Opponents say it allows only a few states to select the president. [1], Over time, voting rights expanded from only white, male landowners age 21 and older to include women and people of color, as well as citizens age 18 and up, resulting in a dramatic increase in the voting-eligible population and a shift in voter demographics. John M. Cunningham, "Why Are U.S. This is partially due to the influence of Protestantism, which historically set restrictions on activities other than church-going during the Sabbath (usually considered as falling on a Sunday). High turnout means that people are successfully exercising their rights-a good in itselfbut it also ensures the continuing health of majority rule. Compared to other developed countries, America's voter turnout rate is pretty sad. Issues also arise when a persons polling place is far from their workplace or when there are long lines to vote during peak times like in the morning before work or in the evening after work. Should the United States Use the Electoral College in Presidential Elections? Here are five reasons why Election Day should be a national holiday. Britain, after all, developed its political institutions pretty gradually, so there was no real "Bastille Day" moment that defines the modern nation. In many countries, general elections are always held on a Saturday or Sunday, to enable as many voters as possible to participate; while in other countries elections are always held on a weekday.However, some countries, or regions within a country, which hold elections on a weekday declare election day a public holiday. Push for the position and policies you support by writing US national senators and representatives.
Is Election Day a national holiday? Why you don't get the day off In 2005, the American Bar Association looked at a few different methods of voting: in 1989 in Namibia, voters marked an X on ballots using ink on their fingers; in Bulgaria, rather than marking a ballot, voters pick from any number of sheets of paper representing specific political parties and puts it in a ballot box; and in Ireland, "they designate their top three candidates by numbering them 1, 2, and 3." For more information on how to vote, head over to our TurboVote module. All federal elections take place the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Third Monday of October every four years, or after Parliament is dissolved by the. Some say a holiday would increase voter turnout by enabling more people to vote while celebrating democracy. Meanwhile, in Macedonia this past September, voters chose to stay away from the polls because of the proposed name change for the country. Skip Navigation In 2018, a Pewstudy found that 65% of Americans favored making Election Day a national holiday. But in many other countries, the government automatically registers voters and holds elections on days that are weekend days or national holidays. Instead, lawmakers could simply move nearby Veterans Day to Election Day, emphasizing that voting is both a service to the country and a celebration of the rights and freedoms for which our servicemembers fight. But some think it should be.
On U.S. Election Day, A Look At How Others Vote : NPR Veterans Day typically is about one week after Election Day so this would involve little disruption in terms of job schedules and monthly routines.
Why not make Election Day a national holiday? - CBS News Delaware Hawaii Kentucky Louisiana Montana New Jersey New York Ohio Puerto Rico Virginia West Virginia While Tuesdays have been custom for elections in the United States, Sunday is the day of. In the 2016 presidential election, 60% of the eligible voting population vast a vote; this year, a staggering 47.5%participated in the midterms, compared to 37% in 2014 and 41% in 2010, the years of other midterm elections. Politicians, most recently House Democrats in 2019, have also floated the idea of turning a weekday Election Day into a federal holiday, but to no avail. 2 men found drugged after leaving NYC gay bars were killed, medical examiner says, Battleground Tracker: Tight race in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Lindsey Graham appears before Georgia grand jury, House Jan. 6 committee is having conversations with Justice Department, Georgia grand jury investigating Trump wants testimony from Giuliani, Graham, Trump election interference grand jury to hear from Raffensperger, DHS IG says Wolf changed intel report on Russian interference in 2020. A large Democratic voting rights bill that would have made Election Day a national holiday collapsed in the Senate this year when two senators refused to join their own party in changing. In fact, these voters may be more likely to have to work as a result of a federal election holiday, where they may have had time off previously on a random Tuesday in November.
And the empire has been pretty consistently breaking apart over the last half century Scotland is maybe next so it's not like there is a national unification to celebrate. Theyare still considerably higher than in the United States, which typically sees about 65% on average turn out to vote for major elections. The Freedom to Vote Act would make Election Day a national holiday for federal elections, meaning non-essential federal employees would get a paid day off. "With the variety of challenges that election officials face, [making Election Day a holiday] is well down on the list of those things that need to be addressed," Becker said. [2] Sundays were for rest and worship, and on Wednesdays farmers typically sold their crops at the market, making Tuesdays the best day of the week. by country by date
ELECTION DAY - November 7, 2023 - National Today And even a number of the blue countries, such as Australia and Canada, are actually the product of colonialism. The outliers are a tiny minority, and only two countries have no formal national day at all. Election Day as a holiday is something that exists in other countries, but not in most places in the U.S. It's an issue that comes up a lot, but never really gets much serious public debate. We also know that countries that have marked their election days as federal events see higher voting turnouts than the United States. Election Day - Tuesday, Nov. 8 - is a special day, with voters casting ballots across the country. Should the United States Use the Electoral College in Presidential Elections? 14, 2019, BBC, "Singapore Election: Governing Party Secure Decisive Win, bbc.com, Sep. 12, 2015, Holly Jackson, "It's Time to Make Election Day a Holiday in Law and Spirit," washingtonpost.com, Oct. 22, 2018, BCP Associates, "India Elections 2019 - Declaration of Paid Holiday on Polling Day, bcpassociates.com, Apr. Consider the potential benefits and difficulties of changing election day. The bill would also effectively revive Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which requires states with a history of voter discrimination have all changes to their election laws approved by the federal government, updating the law in response to the Supreme Courts 2013 holding in Shelby County v. Holder.
Election day should be a national holidayCommentary - CNBC Change often comes slowly, subtly. Until 2009, elections were held over several consecutive Sundays. In Thailand, one of the very few countries outside of Europe that was never formally colonized, the king's birthday is celebrated (don't insult him or you might go to jail, per the lese majeste laws). Countries that hold the ballot before Sunday are not permitted to announce results until all other countries have finished voting. Making the presidential election a national holiday is another way to get people to the polls. Israel and South Korea hold their elections on weekdays, but they're national holidays.
Election Day National Holiday - Top 3 Pros and Cons - ProCon.org Early voting for the midterms varies by state. 3. South Africa's is from the first democratic elections, in 1994. ", ProCon.org. Sunday: first Sunday of February for the President, Vice-President, and Legislative Assembly; second Sunday of February for municipal elections. In many countries, general elections are always held on a Saturday or Sunday, to enable as many voters as possible to participate; while in other countries elections are always held on a weekday. Most others are not so recent, but still not so old: Taiwan's, for example, goes back to a 1911 uprising. There's nothing that would stop voters here from treating a Democracy Day like just another day off.". People literally cannot get to the polling booth because it may close at 7 o'clock and they're working later. Sundays are the most common day for elections, but this is less true in the Anglosphere; Saturdays are used in New Zealand and Australia, and weekdays for the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada. Additionally, many of these individuals rely on school days as childcare for their children. A simple but effective change, however, could be made in election timing. Sweden came second with 82.6%. In Sweden, for example, 83% of registered voters participated in the 2014 national . "Election Day really definitely does need to be a holiday," she said, adding, "We need to be able to have everybody feel like they have a great stake in it.". For other uses, see. A National Day is a date for a country to celebrate its nationhood. [26] Creating laws in all states that let people vote before or after work would be more effective than a national holiday, which would quickly be viewed as just another day off to enjoy. Have you experienced an election day in another country, or do you know how voting works in a place we haven't mentioned here? The ideal solution is simple: Congress should make Election Day a national holiday, or move Election Day to the weekend. Many other democracies make election day a holiday and they all have higher voter turnout than we do. It commemorates the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a reverend and civil . WASHINGTON, June 24 (Reuters) - Election Day should be a holiday for workers in the United States, President Joe Biden said on Thursday. Would making Election Day a federal holiday increase voter turnout and celebrate democracy? Virginia joined these states in April this year. 5. ", "National Electoral Code Article 53 and 148", Report of the 2014 National Lawyers Guild Bolivian Election Observation Delegation, Voting hours for elections in EU Member States, "The Parliamentary Electoral System in Denmark", Consultation Report on Review of Electoral Arrangements, "India Elects 2019: The World's Largest Election, Explained", "Six Nations match at the centre of row over election date - Independent.ie", "With full term possible, Netanyahu may outlast Ben-Gurion (and Obama)", Confessionalism and Electoral Reform in Lebanon, "Voters reminded not to reveal voting intention at Sunday's polling", "Malaysia's election on a Wednesday favors PM, opposition says", "Elections in Mexico and the US: Comparisons and contrasts", "Law on Election of Councillors and Members of Parliament", "Election Days General Elections 1853-2011", "The main features of the Norwegian electoral system", "Tribunal Electoral de Panam convoca a elecciones generales de 2024", "Peru Can Give U.S. Will the party listen to them on the issues? Whether election day in the United States should be made a national holiday is debated. Should People Who Have Completed Felony Sentences Be Allowed to Vote? Read More, Election Day is a holiday in Puerto Rico. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. It worked. In the US, Election Day is not a national holiday. February 26, 2023, 5:06 AM. Common reasons for a certain day are the date on which a state or country achieved its independence, or the date of the country's patron saint day. However, some countries, or regions within a country, which hold elections on a weekday declare election day a public holiday. I'll look into this some more and may change it on the map. Incidentally, Australia routinely reaches more than 90. And in Australia, there is a fine. Elections are federal holidays in Singapore, which, when combined with mandatory voting, resulted in a voter turnout of 93.6% for the 2015 election of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. He concluded that having an election holiday, by itself, is not an effective strategy to increase voter turnout. [34], Automatic voter registration, by contrast, could register an additional 22 million people and create 7.9 million new voters nationwide within a year.
Why Isn't Election Day A National Holiday In The United States? - HuffPost American election laws have been reformed before with minimal impact on voter turnout which remains low compared to other democracies around the world. Some countries use electronic voting machines, such as India, while others rely on paper ballots, such as Zimbabwe. So, workers having a day off to vote wouldn't be a disruption to the economy, or anything a citizen of our country could deny would be worthwhile and smart thing to do. All rights reserved. Operated 24:7 through the week. Litigation pending before the Supreme Court this term in Brnovich v. DNC, however, threatens to undermine this rule. At the top of his list: making Election Day a national holiday. Opponents say kids arent mature enough to vote. Read more: You can take time off from work to vote in 30 states here's the full list. Interestingly, 27 of the 36 countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (made up largely of advanced democracies) conduct their national elections on the weekend. But none of those states have considerably high turnout compared to those where it isn't a holiday. Countries which permit absentee ballots, early ballots or postal votes to be cast by mail before the election avoid the problem altogether by enabling voters to vote on a day that is more convenient to them. Why Election Day is Held on a Tuesday in November in the U.S. A Boatload of Ballots: Midterm Voter Turnout Hit 50-Year High, Estonia's i-voting: more secure, more popular, Macedonia referendum: Low voter turnout puts country's name change at risk, What Voting and Elections Look Like Around the World, X Marks the Choice: Voting Methods around the World, Defense Language and National Security Education Office. At least 10 dead after winter storm slams South, Midwest, The Saturday Six: Dental device controversy, scientist's bug find and more, Indonesia fuel depot fire kills 18; more than a dozen missing, Biden had cancerous skin lesion removed last month, doctor says, Tom Sizemore, actor known for "Saving Private Ryan" and "Heat," dies at 61, Defense lawyers in Idaho killings case want gag order kept, Alex Murdaugh sentenced to life in prison for murders of wife and son. 3) Britain and Denmark have no national days. On Sunday, Virginia Democratic Gov. ProCon/Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. In fact, in Estonia, the option tovoteonlineis becoming increasingly popular. Reformers will be far more successful adding a few days or options or opportunities than trying to undo Election Day.. It's a reminder of turmoil of the last century a very short span in historical terms and how deeply its events influence the world today. Compulsory voting does not necessarily guarantee 100% turnout rates, however, though they still see higher rates than countries which do not require it. All this despite the fact that these types of restrictions have typically been considered illegal under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, which requires that elections be equally open to all people. Traditionally elections are held over two days, starting on a Friday afternoon and ending the following Saturday afternoon.
Why Election Day is on a Tuesday in November in the U.S. | Pew Research I think, to the best of my knowledge, it's something like $20. Election Day is the day for general elections of public officials in the U.S. Presented by:Defense Language and National Security Education Office, 60% of the eligible voting population vast a vote, looked at a few different methods of voting. There are some exceptions; as Wednesday was not covered by the available dates, the Netherlands holds elections on Thursday, while Denmark holds elections on Sunday. These changes would send the message that voting is not a privilege to be bought with job security and time to spare, but rather an essential responsibility every person ought to undertake. Vanita Gupta, CEO of the Leadership Conference on Human and Civil Rights, is working to increase voter participation and decrease voter disenfranchisement.
Why are other countries better at conducting elections than we are? Election Day in USA in 2023 | Office Holidays That too is a reminder as to how new many of the ideas from that century, such as full enfranchisement and national self-determination, really are. [23], Annie McDonald, Editor of the Berkeley Public Policy Journal, noted that the workers who are least likely to get paid holidays are those who already have less of a voice in the political process: Americans working in retail, hospitality, and service jobs, for example, would most likely not receive the benefit of a paid holiday to vote. Canada's turnout is about the same as the United States', with an average of 68%, and though one canton in Switzerland has a compulsory voting law, for the country as a whole turnout is around 49%, one of the lowest rates in OECD countries.