Define each term. What is the antagonist of the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (wrist extension)? The biceps brachii functions to pull the radius of the lower arm toward the body. D. flex the forearm. The names of muscles often indicate the action of the muscle. C extend the vertebral column A. tibialis anterior - the locations of the muscle attachments D gastrocnemius, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis, Hole's Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, David Shier, Jackie Butler, John Hole, Ricki Lewis, Charles Welsh, Cynthia Prentice-Craver, David Shier, Jackie Butler, Ricki Lewis, 3.1 - Definitions (Monitoring, Process Contro, Unit 2 - Cell Structure and Function AP BIO. C both hemoglobin and myoglobin are lipids that contain iron A. levator scapulae What is the antagonist muscle to the sternocleidomastoid? rhomboideus muscles Match the following muscle action involving facial expression with its appropriate muscle: Sphincter muscle of the eyelids, which permits squinting and blinking. (3) left lateral rectus In an antagonistic muscle pair as one muscle contracts the other muscle relaxes or lengthens. A common site for injections is the A. function and orientation. D. biceps femoris Which of the following muscles is involved in forced expiration? C myoglobin in blood plasma The name has the origin of the Latin words: sternon = chest; cleido = clavicle and the Greek words: mastos = breast and eidos = shape, form. The muscle that divides the ventral body cavity into the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities is the __________. The depressor anguli oris muscle The end of the muscle that connects to the sternum is the A. origin. C gluteus medius C. interspinales Sternocleidomastoid muscle, along with the trapezius muscle , is invested by the superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia, which splits around it. Match the word to its correct meaning: Deltoid. The ________ vertebrae are located in the neck. E. are not involved in facial expression. However, the second heart field has recently been identified as an additional source of myocardial progenitor cells. (a) Auricular. B. stress fractures of the fibula 2 to 5 cm distal to the knee. Hi anatomy students;) ! Which of the following muscles divides the neck into two triangles? With respect to skeletal muscles, proprioceptors are important for: D. flexor digitorum profundus D. pronator quadratus C. auricularis Which of the following muscles has superior, middle and inferior sections? A. rectus abdominis B. transversus abdominis C. erector spinae D. latissimus dorsi. C. serratus anterior 11. D. Pectoralis minor. B tetanus What is the antagonist of the Peroneus Brevis (eversion)? B trapezius- raises shoulders C positive/neutral Insertion: coronoid process of mandible, Match the following description of muscles that move the head and trunk with its appropriate name: Broad two-part muscle that lies on the back of neck between base of skull and the upper thoracic vertebrae. The orbicularis oculi muscle E. flexor carpi radialis. Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, Biceps Femoris. E. fixator. The digastric muscle is involved in /Which muscle helps us to rotate the head? a. tibialis posterior b. tibalias anterior c. fibularis brevis d. extensor hallucis longus. E. quadratus lumborum, Which abdominal wall muscle is the most superficial of the oblique muscles? E. transverses thoracis. What are the principal appendicular muscles of the body and distinguish their origins, insertions, actions, and innervations? skeletal muscle is attached to bone at origin and insertion. A increased heart rate pumps more blood to muscles C. pectoralis minor What is the antagonist of the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (wrist extension)? C. gluteus maximus. D. subclavius c) sternocleidomastoid. - trapezius action on the atlanto-occipital joint; second-class lever B. biceps brachii A. rectus abdominis B. What is the antagonist of the Longissimus (Spine extension)? A. quadriceps femoris A orbicularis oris 5. A. extrinsic muscles. The primary actions of the muscle are rotation of the head to the opposite side and flexion of the neck. D. triceps brachii Antagonist - drug that inhibits or slows activity to receptor -1 - increases mean blood pressure by vaso constriction. Which muscle acts as both a knee (leg) extensor and hip (thigh) flexor? D. extensor carpi radialis longus. D myoglobin in muscles, Which statement is NOT true of oxygen and muscles? D cerebrum: occipital bones, Which statement is NOT true of the muscles and the brain? A unilateral contraction of the sternocleidomastoid muscle flexes the cervical vertebral column to the same side (lateral flexion) and rotates the head to the opposite side. Do a total of 5 to 10 side neck stretches. E. supinators. C. biceps femoris Muscles that elevate the jaw and close the mouth include the In order to put on a glove, the fingers are abducted by hand muscles called the D. multifidus Infer information from the first sentence, and then choose the word from the Word Bank that best completes the second sentence. Which of the following muscles acts to protract the mandible? C trapezius B the parietal lobes of the cerebrum integrate conscious muscle sense D. transversus abdominis A. scalenes. What are the three muscles in the group of arm flexors, innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve? E. quadratus lumborum, Which abdominal wall muscle originates on the iliac crest and the lower lumbar vertebrae? E. creases in the cheeks, Closing or puckering the lips is the action of the _____ muscle. C toponin and tropomyosin anterior scalene, Eversion and plantar flexion is accomplished by muscles in the ______ compartment. (a) greater for well 1, C. temporalis B. biceps brachii E. gastrocnemius, Which of the following is a posterior thigh muscle? Explain your reasoning using an example. C. extensor digitorum longus D masseter- raises mandible, Which muscle is NOT paired with a synergist? D. latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major. Which of the following groups of muscles does not move the vertebral column? E. gracilis, Which of the following is a group of four muscles in the anterior thigh? Match the following fascicle arrangement with its appropriate power generation or description: circular. This muscle binds the skull to the sternum and clavicle. D. tensor fascia latae. A muscle that assists the muscle primarily responsible for a given action is a(n) __________. A. stylohyoid and procerus. A. raise the head. What muscle is the antagonist to the sternocleidomastoid? Which muscle lies directly posterior to the musculus serratus posterior inferior right and left muscle groups? A glycogen/carbon dioxide e) Trapezius. What are the muscles of the face and neck? A)trapezius B)sternocleidomastoid C)semispinalis D)platysma. (1) right lateral rectus Which muscle acts as an antagonist to the lower fibers of the trapezius during depression of the scapula? The number of muscle fibers best determines how powerful a muscle will be, Which of the following joint muscles is correctly matched with its lever type? a) temporalis. D. rhomboidal. What is the antagonist of the Sartorius (Flexion of femur)? A. hamstrings. D. lateral rotation of the arm. Match the word to its correct meaning: Transverse. D. Appendicular muscles work to control the movements of the arms and legs, while the axial muscles are located in the head, neck and trunk. A. extensor indicis. bulbospongiosus b. D. suprahyoid C. class III lever system. Choose the letter that best answers the question or completes the statement. Powerful flexor and adductor of hand. D. extensor hallicus longus Also, the muscle works with the scalene muscles in the neck during forced inspiration while breathing. D center lines of a sarcomere, and myosin filaments are attached, During a state of polarization, the sacrolemma has a ______ charge outside and a ______ charge inside. A. Frontalis B. Lateral rectus C. Sternocleidomastoid D. Masseter E. Hyoglossus. E. quadratus lumborum, difficult defecation and decreased support for the pelvic viscera. A student (m = 63 kg) falls freely from rest and strikes the ground. B. hyperextension of the head C. facial expression. a) sternocleidomastoid b) orbicularis oculi c) trapezius d) platysma, Which of the following muscles are innervated by the trigeminal nerve? C gluteus maximus A. index finger; little finger Damage to the muscle called the levator ani would result in The zygomaticus major muscle parallel arrangement of fascicles; characteristic of sphincter muscles A muscle that stabilizes the origin of the prime mover (i.e. Which of the following is NOT used as a criterion for naming muscles? What is the antagonist of the Internal Oblique (Trunk flexion)? The primary actions of the muscle are rotation of the head to the opposite side and flexion of the neck. What is the antagonist of the Spinalis (Spine extension)? Wiki User. - the shape of the muscle C. external abdominal oblique. E. nonlever system. b) lateral rectus. A. joint represents the fulcrum point. internal intercostals The end of the muscle that connects to the sternum is the, When a skeletal muscle contracts to cause a given movement, the more movable end of attachment of the muscle is termed its, When you "pull your tummy in" and compress your abdomen, you use the rectus abdominis, external abdominal oblique, internal abdominal oblique, and transversus abdominis muscles. The antagonist to the sternocleidomastoid is the splenius capitis. Previously, a single source of progenitor cells was thought to be responsible for the formation of the cardiac muscle. A. palmaris longus A. crossing your legs Which of the following statements is correct? Sternocleidomastoid muscle: want to learn more about it? A myoglobin in muscles stores some oxygen Tilt your head to the right as far as you comfortably can. Create flashcards for FREE and quiz yourself with an interactive flipper. a) gluteus medius. splenius capitis movement of the sternocleidomastoid and the trapezius. What is the antagonist of the Teres Minor (Lateral rotation humerus)? B tetanus/coordination ______ is a stiff neck due to spasmodic contraction of the neck muscles that pull the head toward the affected side. A cerebrum: frontal lobes D. intrinsic muscles. What is the antagonist of the Extensor Digitorum Longus (Toes 2-5 extension)? E. vastus lateralis, . What is the antagonist of the Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus (wrist extension)? A. brachioradialis and anconeus. B quadriceps femoris The pelvic diaphragm is formed by the The sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM for short and also know as the musculus sternocleidomastoideus) is a paired superficial muscle in the anterior portion of the neck responsible for flexing. A. vomiting. B. triceps brachii A. rectus abdominis Proofread the following sentences for errors in spelling or in the use of numerals. trapezius C hamstring group- extends thigh You can argue that a flat piece of glass, such as in a window, is like a lens with an infinite focal length. levator scapulae The flexion of the elbow represents a Study Anatomy Semester 1 exam review flashcards. Copyright E. flexion and abduction of the arm, . D. subclavius D. tensor fasciae latae inferior oblique B. childbirth. What is the antagonist of the Semitendinosus (knee flexion)? E. extensor carpi radialis longus, Flexion of the hip is a movement produced by the Does your neck feel stiff or achy when you wake up in the morning? C sarcoplasmic reticulum Write down equations to describe the alpha decay of the following atoms: F. D. internal intercostals B. orbicularis oris B. longissimus capitis B. the end of the muscle where the action occurs. E. gracilis, Which of the following is the longest muscle in the body? Which of the following muscles moves the scapula? Identify metals and alloys that have strengths comparable to those of reinforced plastics. List the muscle(s) that are antagonistic to the gastrocnemius. Draw one line under the simple subject. Rectus Abdominus, External oblique, Internal oblique. What muscle is directly lateral to the sternohyoid? D. is used in the knee-jerk reflex. In the body's lever systems, the D. back muscles are not very strong. 2 and 4 The cervical plexus will have a honeycomb appearance of hypoechoic nodules superficial to the brachial plexus within the groove between the interscalene muscles as shown in Fig. C sustained muscle contractions A. Brachialis B. Deltoid C. Triceps Brachii D. Brachioradialis E. Trapezius. Describe the relationship between bones and skeletal muscles in the production of body movements. List the muscles of the Thenar eminence and their function. The sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) is an important landmark in the neck which divides it into an anterior and a posterior triangle. . C cholinesterase A) The sternocleidomastoid is the synergist, and the splenius cervicis is the fixator. C. contributes to laughing and smiling. C. opponens pollicis. posterior A. tibialis anterior Which of these muscles is not the muscle of inspiration? movement of biceps brachii and the brachialis. The __________ is the prime mover of dorsiflexion of the foot. Rectus Abdominus, external oblique, internal oblique. sternocleidomastoid muscle on the ultrasound and attempt to identify the anterior and middle scalene muscles. A. biceps femoris B. obliquely. - Multipennate muscles do not produce much power because the fibers run in many directions. Fixators hold joints in place, so movement does not occur. B. gastrocnemius. D anterior mandibularis, The muscle on the ventral side of the abdomen that flexes the vertebral column is the: If this is the case it might be time to consider a muscular or mechanical reason for the symptoms. D the most strenuous muscle contractions, The part of the brain that initiates muscle contraction is the: A. extend the neck. The muscles that coordinate the opening and closing of the mouth? (c) equal for both wells? Flexor Digitorum Superficialis, Flexor Digitorum Profundus. There is always an agonist, and antagonist. D more permeable to sodium ions, Which statement is NOT true of the electrical events at the sarcolemma? bipennate A the cerebellum promotes coordination B. rectus femoris The biceps femoris is part of the B. sartorius transversus thoracis, levator scapulae, pectoralis minor, rhomboideus muscles, serratus anterior, trapezius, choose all that apply: Supination of the forearm and hand is accomplished by the The sternocleidomastoid muscles help to flex the neck. Which muscle is an antagonist to the biceps brachii muscle? The sternocleidomastoids (SCMs) are superficially located neck muscles that play an important role in tilting your head and turning your neck, as well as other movements. Learning anatomy is a massive undertaking, and we're here to help you pass with flying colours. E. psoas major. D. The sternocleidomastoid is the fixator and the splenius cervicis is the prime mover. A. quadriceps femoris C. contributes to laughing and smiling. 1 Definition. A. masseter C gluteus medius (ii) Is the magnitude of the ground-state momentum B. soleus A. pennate. E. rotate the forearm, . Muscles that work like this are called antagonistic pairs. B depolarization creates a reversal of charges E. unipennate. What is the antagonist of the Gastrocnemius (Plantarflexion)? a. intermittent claudication b. spasmodic torticollis c. myasthenia gravis d. contracture, What muscle performs the opposite action (antagonist) of soleus? 3 synonyms for musculus sternocleidomastoideus: sternocleido mastoideus, sternocleidomastoid, sternocleidomastoid muscle. The sternocleidomastoid is the prime mover and the splenius cervicis is the fixator. Rectus Abdominus What is the antagonist of the Longissimus (Spine extension)? D iliopsoas, The muscle on the anterior thigh that flexes the thigh is the: Which of the following muscles is named for its location? Which muscle pulls the skin of the chin upward? A. iliopsoas. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, Flexor Carpi Radialis. What is the antagonist of the Triceps Brachii (extension of forearm)? @article{GravenNielsen1997EffectsOE, title={Effects of experimental muscle pain on muscle activity and co-ordination during static and dynamic motor function. Which of the following are correctly matched? B. hyoglossus We experience muscle knot, spasm, or pain located over the muscle between the neck and the shoulder. A. tibialis anterior C. masseter muscles. C. flexor pollicis brevis The orbicularis oris muscle What is the antagonist of the Gluteus Medius (abduction of femur)? The largest buttocks muscle is the E. coracobrachialis. The subclavian muscle originates on the _____. and grab your free ultimate anatomy study guide! D. deltoid. People with this disorder show difficulties swallowing, extreme immobility of their throat, facial asymmetries and scoliosis. We could also say that the antagonist is the main muscle that does the opposite of the action that it is resisting. Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. Match the word to its correct meaning: Rectus. E. piriformis and quadratus femoris. Which of the following muscles performs cervical extension only? Getting their priceless heirlooms back was not enough for the many victims of the thief; they wanted the thief to serve time in prison. The muscle lies very superficially so that it is both easily visible and palpable. A sartorius C. interspinales What is the antagonist of the Upper Portion Trapezius (Elevate scapula)? A. trapezius E. swallowing. E. calcaneal; peroneal, Which of the following muscles is used when walking on your tiptoes? A quadriceps femoris Determine the molar analysis of the exiting mixture. What is the antagonist of the Serratus Anterior (Protract scapula)? a. teres major b. infraspinatus c. latissimus dorsi d. subscapularis, Holds other joints in position during contraction a) Acetylcholine b) Antagonist muscle c) Synergist muscle d) Fixator muscle, Which of the following muscles is an important elevator of the scapula? choose all that apply. E. raises the eyelid. B. origin and insertion. B triceps brachii [1] In the anterior triangle, we find the suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles. fulcrum-weight-pull, internal intercostals, transversus thoracis, choose all that apply: B sarcomere Which of the following muscles would be considered an antagonist to the rectus femoris? D calcium ions, In a muscle fiber, calcium ions are stored in the: Reviewer: What is the antagonist of the External Intercostals (Elevate ribs)? Focal dystonia, also known as "writer's cramp" or "pianist's cramp" is a painless motor control disorder involving sustained muscular contraction. Identify the muscle that performs the following function: Paired muscle that flexes head and rotates the head to the side. B. adducts and laterally rotates the arm. 2. A. B. biceps brachii. B. flex the neck. The sternocleidomastoid muscle creates the borders for both the anterior and the posterior triangles of the neck, and is innervated by the spinal accessory nerve (). thyrohyoid D pectoralis major, The function of the triceps brachii is to a) Temporalis b) Rectus abdominis c) Erector spinae d) Sternocleidomastoid e) Splenius capitis. E. extend and laterally flex the neck, Which of the following muscles does NOT extend the neck? Of the following muscles of the thigh, which one is on the posterior side? What is the antagonist of the Flexor Hallucis Longus (Toe 1 flexion)? Sternocleidomastoid is the most superficial and largest muscle in the front portion of the neck. The muscle that is contracting is called the agonist and the muscle that is relaxing or lengthening is called the antagonist. A quadriceps femoris Dimitrios Mytilinaios MD, PhD The muscle(s) of mastication include which of the following? stress fractures of the fibula 2 to 5 cm distal to the knee. Muscles and Movement | Antagonist Pairs of Muscles Siebert Science 16.4K subscribers Subscribe 5.5K 159K views 2 years ago Anatomy & Physiology CORRECTION: The origins of the deltoid are the. . C. abductors. The deep muscles of the neck, levator scapulae and middle scalene muscle are supplied by which nerve? C. levator ani and coccygeus muscles. What is the antagonist of the Flexor Digitorum Longus (Toe 2-5 flexion)? The attachment site of the muscle tendon to the more-movable bone is called the __________. The sternocleidomastoid muscle is innervated by the accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI) and direct branches of the cervical plexus (C2-C3). B. contributes to pouting. A twitch/prolonged twitch Both wells contain identical quantum particles, one in each well. D iliopsoas, The function of the sacrospinalis group is to E. flexes the shoulder. D. chubby cheeks. Tilt your head towards the left. C twitch/tetanus Splenius Capitus. E. psoas minor, Which muscle flexes the vertebral column? D. levator palpebrae superioris Muscles that work like this are called antagonistic pairs. Find the center of mass of the uniform, solid cone of height h, base radius R, and constant density \rho shown in the given figure. Agonists are the prime movers for an action. D. weight is the muscle mass. The muscle that opens the eye is the A. Orbicularis oculi B. Orbicularis oris C. Levator palpebrae superioris D. Superior rectus, The supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles have the main part of their body attached to which of the following bone? The prime mover of arm flexion is the __________. Identify the muscle that performs the following function: Two muscle pairs that flex the vertebral column; compress the abdomen, and laterally flex the vertebral column. E. rhomboideus major, Which muscle retracts, rotates, and fixes the scapula? Biceps Brachii, Brachialis, Brachioradialis. Match the following muscle action with its appropriate term: Apply a downward pressure. (4) left medial rectus Raising your arm to shoulder level is accomplished almost entirely by the D glycogen, In muscle contraction, the energy source _____ produces the waste product _____, which is excreted by the kidneys A a sustained contraction c) pectoralis major. B. serratus anterior B. psoas major. D positive/negative, The effect of acetylcholine on the sarcolemma is to make it: A. pterygoid If a person drums their fingers on the table, they would be using which of the following muscles? It can also occur with certain health conditions, such as asthma and. hope you all enjoy the vid!enjoy the video and reflect on the mod. B. extensors. The levator palpebrae superioris muscle A. pectoralis major B. soleus When muscles are named for the movement they produce, one can find action words in their name. C. interspinales Some of the antagonistic pairs are as follows: Biceps and triceps Gluteus maximum and hip flexors Hamstrings and quadriceps Pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi the muscle that does most of the movement. D. rhombohedral. The main muscle that resists a movement is called the antagonist. E. lever is a pivot point. A orbicularis oris C. trapezius. D. longus capitis Agonists are the prime movers for an action. a. A. E. orbicularis oris, Raising the eyebrows is the action of the _____ muscles. It has two heads that meld to form one insertion. B semispinalis capitis and sternocleidomastoid C. are smooth muscles rather than skeletal muscles. C the liver owes the muscles some oxygen C. vastus lateralis. You should feel a stretch on the left side of your neck. B masseter What is the antagonist of the Middle Portion Trapezius (Retract scapula)? E. stylohyoid. B. class II lever system. A actin and troponin C gluteus maximus flexes thigh The sternocleidomastoid is the prime mover and the splenius cervicis is the antagonist. C. biceps femoris Match the action with its appropriate arm muscle name: Flexes forearm at elbow joint and supinates forearm. A. pectoralis major E. Scalenes. Which of the following muscles is involved in chewing gum? Sensory branches of the cervical plexus merge dorsally to the muscle at the Erbs point (punctum nervosum) which can be used as a place of puncture for local anesthesia. Which of the following muscle is found in the head? D plantar flex the foot, Which muscle is NOT paired with its correct function? The splenius captis is located on the lateral side of the C7. D. vastus medialis c. Which two muscles in that group are synergists? A sodium ions D. coracobrachialis Assume that the only force acting on him during the collision is that due to the ground. A. sternocleidomastoid C glycogen/creatine What is the antagonist of the Corabobrachialis (Adduction)? B. serratus anterior Name five muscles that extend the vertebral column. They both work together to help you walk, sit, stand up, and do many other actions. A. flexors. Which has an insertion on the mandible? E. trapezius, hold the head of the humerus in the glenoid fossa of the scapula, The rotator cuff muscles When the biceps brachii contracts, the elbow flexes. D. (a) the erector spinae (b) the rhomboid group (c) the splenius group (d) the scalenes (e) the transversospinalis. Curated learning paths created by our anatomy experts, 1000s of high quality anatomy illustrations and articles. (Hint: Integrate over disk-shaped mass elements of thickness dyd ydy, as shown in the given figure.). pennate arrangement of fascicles; spindle-shaped muscle Read more. D. extensor hallicus longus D. causes crow's feet wrinkles. D. retinaculum. Author: Which of the following muscles is innervated by the trigeminal nerve (CN V)? Learn everything about those triangles with the following study unit. c) sternocleidomastoid. E. triceps brachii, Which muscle will elevate the scapula? C. vastus intermedius What muscle(s) serves as an antagonist to the biceps? E. abductor pollicis brevis. C impulses from the brain are needed for voluntary movement B. contributes to pouting. C. orbicular. C cerebrum: parietal lobes D. decreased support for the pelvic viscera. Most of us carry a lot of tension in the upper trapezius and neck muscles. A rectus abdominus-extends vertebral column B. peroneus longus Anterocollis is a type of cervical dystonia characterized by simultaneous and repetitive antagonist muscles contractions, resulting in abnormal neck flexion. E. back muscles are similar in strength to the back muscles of cattle. inversion When both sternocleidomastoid muscles contract, the head is flexed. B latissimus dorsi- flexes arm B hemoglobin in RBCs brings oxygen to muscles The Sternocleidomastoid Trigger Points. Which of the following muscles is not a rotator cuff muscle? C. pectoralis minor and pectoralis major. D. causes crow's feet wrinkles. When muscles are discussed relative to the manner in which they interact with other muscles, the terms shown below are often used. B sacrospinalis group C. allows one to sit cross-legged. D. causes crow's feet wrinkles. B. accounts for a sprinter's stance. Laura M. Kok, .Rob G.H.H. Give the scientific term for the muscles of the mouth, b. A. erector spinae What is the antagonist of the Vastus Intermedius (knee extension)? B. pectoralis minor What is the antagonist of the Extensor Hallucis Longus (Toe 1 extension)? D triceps brachii, The muscle around the eye that closes the eye is the: Rectus Abdominus, external oblique, internal oblique c) medial pterygoid. C. internal abdominal oblique B. diaphragm Expiration is aided by the abdominal muscles and internal intercostal muscles. B. external abdominal oblique Identify two muscles that are antagonists of tibialis posterior. B center lines of a sarcomere, and actin filaments are attached extension joint act as a fulcrum. Antagonists counter the action of a prime mover. D. 1 and 4 The sternocleidomastoid muscle plays a central role in the formation of the triangles of the neck. What is the antagonist of the Pronator Teres (pronate forearm)? A latissimus dorsi B. sartorius Which of the following muscles is part of the rotator cuff? Which of the following muscles is a flexor of the thigh? 1 and 3 b) orbicularis oris. B. longissimus capitis levator ani, choose all that apply: the end of the muscle where the action occurs. E. thigh and hip adductors. D increase the blood supply within muscles, A single muscle fiber contraction is called a ______, and the sustained contraction of a muscle fiber is called ______. Which statement is NOT true of organ systems and movement? In the following sentence, strike through each error in capitalization and write the correct form above it. C. internal abdominal oblique Hence, it was an excellent model for . E. zygomaticus and buccinator. eversion In order to stabilize the hyoid so that the larynx can be elevated in swallowing, the _____ muscle group is used. E. vastus intermedius, Of the following muscles of the leg, which one is on the anterior side of the leg? The sternocleidomastoid muscles help to flex the neck. . b. Quadratus lumborum. B. sartorius C. orbicularis oculi pectoralis major (c) Transverse cervical. a. During the collision with the ground, he comes to rest in a time of 0.010 s. The average force exerted on him by the ground is + 18 000 N, where the upward direction is taken to be the positive direction.