5. The BillingAgreement flag is invalid. Any URL's which are longer will generate this system message. If the card has expired it will need to be destroyed and a different card type will need to be used ensuring that the expiry date has not passed. If you are providing a value which has more that 20 characters then you will receive this system message. This is a required field and needs to be sent with every transaction you register with Sage Pay. If you have not supplied the correct value in the RelatedVPSTxId field, have not submitted it in full or it is incorrectly formatted then you will receive this system message when our systems try to validate the post. can not be less than 8 characters. golden retriever breeders scotland. The VPSTxId uniquely identifies the original transaction which you are attempting to REFUND, REPEAT or AUTHORISE through the Sage Pay system. It should be a number and the value should match the value that was passed back to you by Sage Pay when the original transaction was completed. A credit or debit card number must be entered in the card number box provided on the payment screens. An active transaction with this VendorTxCode has been found but the TxType is different. You might receive an error message while making a payment which says "Your card does not support this type of purchase." There are a few reasons why you may receive this error: 1. Please ensure that you only use a fully qualified URL. This field can contain up to 200 characters. The Sage Pay service that you are attempting to contact does not exist or is currently unavailable. You will only be able to perform a VOID against a transaction once. As detailed above the card security code will consist of either three or four digits only depending on the card type selected. You will need to check your code to ensure that you are providing the VPS Vendor Name supplied by Sage Pay during your application process. The original transaction was carried out by a different Vendor. Why are physically impossible and logically impossible concepts considered separate in terms of probability? The server received an invalid response from the upstream server while trying to fulfil the request. You must ensure that a post code value has been entered within the edit box that has been provided on the payment page. For example, it cannot archive an incomplete transaction into the reporting tables. If you have received this system message, you are passing across shopping basket information to Sage Pay, however the format of the information is invalid and unable to be read by the Sage Pay servers. The Related transaction is not an AUTHENTICATE. Provided token id does not exist in the system. The Related transaction is not a DEFFERED payment. It would be good to implement the error codes such as: 4020 : Information received from an Invalid IP address 4009 : The Amount including surcharge is outside the allowed range. If you are wishing to use custom templates, you will need to download the relevant files, amend and send over to use to be uploaded. Please ensure that you only ever use a fully qualified URL. The Authorisation process timed-out. If you submit a value which is not in line with the ISO 4217 codes or is not set up on your account, you will get this system message. A valid value is required,this must be value between 0 and 100000.00. The email address provided was not recognised by PayPal. You will need to check your code to ensure that the correct value is being retrieved from your database and that you are sending it through to Sage Pay within the correct field. Check your code to ensure that you only use a fully qualified URL. Cannot authorise this card. You will not be able to perform a RELEASE or an ABORT against any other payment type other than a DEFERRED transaction. Please note that this only applies to Deferred transactions. Please contact Sage Pay support who will be able to generate your Form encryption password to enable you to post Form transaction registrations. The Billing Phone contains invalid characters. The DeliveryAddress field, if provided, can only contain a maximum of up to 200 characters. Expectation Failed : The expectation given in the Expect request-header could not be fulfilled by the server. Your system should be storing this information and be retrieving it from your database when performing the above actions. The AccountType is not setup on this account. Account type selected requires 3D secure authentication to process Maestro or SOLO cards. Requested Range Not Satisfiable : The request included a Range request-header field, and none of the range-specifier values in this field overlap the current extent of the selected resource, and also the request did not include an If-Range request-header. Your POST has a Currency value that does not support minor units, but your Amount field has a decimal point in it. The link is: http://www.sagepay.com/system_monitor.asp. You may wish to (or advise your shopper) to try the transaction again at a later time. The following are the supported graphics cards: Intel Iris Plus Graphics Intel UHD Graphics Intel Iris Xe Graphics No further action required. You will need to check your code to ensure you are retrieving the correct VendorTxCode from your database and sending it through in the RelatedVendorTxCode field. If any other characters or spaces are being passed or provided, then you will receive this error code and message. This field is numerical only and can only support values from 0.01 to 100000.00. You must ensure that your code is sending a valid amount within this field formatted to the correct number of decimal places for the chosen currency. If you are providing a value which has more that 10 characters then you will receive this system message. This system message is generated if the amount field contains any other characters than numerics or is not correctly formatted to the correct number of decimal places for the specified currency. Please try again. Basically, if the feature is supported, THEN the response code is 206 and the response contains HTTP header Content-Range with info about the bytes included in the response. You will need to ensure that the card number that has been entered on the payment pages is a valid card type. If you are providing a value which has more that 10 characters then you will receive this system message. If your customer is trying to use one of these cards, they will need to use another card to make the purchase. If you are using our Direct or Server integration methods, the Sage Pay system will only accept registration POSTs from servers whose IP Addresses have been registered with us. The Transaction was cancelled by the customer. The GiftAid field can only contain 1 (Allow Gift Aid) or 0 (Do not Allow it). The solution is just steps away! Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! You will need to check your code to ensure that you are not send more than this. Please ensure that you are sending the correct value in the TxType field. The ReleaseAmount field must be a valid amount, formatted to the correct number of decimal places for the chosen currency, AND must be less than or equal to the amount of the original Deferred transaction that you are attempting to Release. The DeliveryFirstnames field is required. so the proper error codes can be logged. Uncover locations like caves, mines, a lumber mill, as well as otherworldly locales at your own pace. The Currency is not supported on this account. If the monitor page indicates that there are no issues, please contact us for more information. This URL must be http:// or https:// and be no more than 255 characters in length. The certificate must have a valid user principal name (UPN). If you receive this message, it means that the transaction has been successfully Registered. The authorisation process took longer than expected and therefore the Sage Pay system had timed out the transactions. If a value is supplied, should contain either 0 or 1. The DEFERRED transaction you are attempting to RELEASE has already been released. Gateway Timeout : The upstream server failed to send a request in the time allowed by the server. Perform the steps mentioned below and see if it helps. Please press Windows key and R key on your keyboard at the same time. vegan) just to try it, does this inconvenience the caterers and staff? If the address is longer than 200 characters, you will receive this system message. Tell us the name of the card under that. The DeliveryPostCode field, if provided, can only contain a maximum of up to 10 characters. You will receive this error if the VendorTxCode you have used for a new transaction registration matches that of a previously successful transaction against your account. The Amount you are passing has more digits after than the decimal point than is allowed. Please contact support to re-enable this functionality. All issue numbers must be entered exactly as they appear on the card, without spaces (either 1 or 2 digits). Invalid request. You will need to check your code to ensure that you are entering numeric values only and that no letters are being passed over. Surcharge not allowed on this payment system. Per HTTP spec that should be okay. Delete the problematic software, then redownload it from Nintendo eShop. You must send the card holder's name in the CardHolder field of your transaction registration POST otherwise you will receive this system message. The VendorTxCode should contain your unique reference identifier for your transaction. Please check with our support team if you are uncertain which cards your account has been set up with. If you had entered the start date incorrectly please enter the correct date and try again. The TxType field determines how the transaction will be processed by the Sage Pay system. It should contain the type of transaction you wish to perform including values such as PAYMENT, DEFERRED, AUTHENTICATE etc as outlined within the Protocol and Integration guidelines. the card range not supported by the system. When sending your transaction registration POST to Sage Pay using the Direct solution you will always need to send a card number as you will be hosting your own payment page. The Delivery Firstname contains invalid characters. The amount field you are passing through is invalid. If you receive this system message, it means you have successfully registered a transactions using the Direct integration method. This field is required to indicate the type of card being used by the customer (ie Visa, Mastercard etc) whose card number you have supplied within the CardNumber field. The TxType requested is not active on this account. Accepted values for the CardType field are: VISA (Visa Credit), MC (Mastercard Debit and Credit), DELTA (Visa Debit), UKE (Visa Electron), MAESTRO (UK & International Maestro), AMEX (American Express), DC (Diner's Club), JCB (Japan Credit Bureau cards) and LASER (Laser cards). If you have received this system message, then the value which you have provided in this field is not what is specified within the protocol. This system message is only generated if you are attempting a Manual transaction where you are sending the Auth code to us within My Sage Pay. Your code should send only the first 100 characters if your description is longer than this. Any other values or characters will not be allowed and will result in this error message. The Vendor or VendorName value is required. Cannot create the new user. A quick and smart technique to solve this issue would be to try restarting the phone in recovery mode. Some cards have restrictions on cross-border usage. The number of authorisation attempts exceeds the limit. The currency field can only accept the ISO - 4217 codes. Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. Information received from an Invalid IP address. If a value is supplied, should contain either 0 or 1. You will also need to send only the large card numbers that are being displayed on the front of the customers card within this field. I need the MLNX_OFED for the infiniband network card works properly. The BillingPostCode field which you have provided is longer than what is allowed. Also, check your code to ensure that you are only sending numeric values within this field and that no letters or invalid characters are contained. You will receive this system message if you are passing an amount that is outside of the supported range. The client failed to send a request in the time allowed by the server. There is no issue with the payment process as this would have be caused by the customer clicking on the Cancel button on the payment page. This Refund would exceed the amount of the original transactaction. If you did not provide a vendor name, then it would have been supplied by Sage Pay. You must provide at least one ##### element within ##### node. To correct this issue, you will need to check your code to ensure you are submitting the correct value. Only zero or positive integer. An active transaction with this VendorTxCode has been found but the some data fields are different. Provided vendor name does not exist in the system. If you receive this error, then the Vendor account has not been successfully set up on the Sage Pay servers. Does it have cross-border restrictions? Also check to see if you have submitted the full VPSTxId, including the hyphens and curly brackets. The Card Range not supported by the system. Incorrect Fixed value entered. This system message would only be generated if you have integrated using the Direct method where you are colleting the customers card details to send across to Sage Pay. This will need to be provided in order for the transaction to be able to continue. If you have AVS checking turned on within your Sage Pay account, or have provided a BillingPostCode, you must also provide a BillingAddress field. The line item amount details do not add up correctly. The CustomerEMail field, if supplied, must contain a valid e-mail address which is less than 255 characters long. The certificate must be valid, based on the computer system clock (not expired or valid with a future date). You will need to ensure that the Amount field value which you are submitting is between 0.01 to 100000.00 or equivalent for other currencies. If you are providing a value which has more that 200 characters then you will receive this system message. The VPSProtocol value is not supported by the system in use. How to notate a grace note at the start of a bar with lilypond? If you are wishing to accept American Express, JCB or Diner cards, it is likely that you will need to contact these merchant acquirers directly to obtain a new merchant number. The request was unsuccessful. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. If you're pointing to the live.sagepay endpoint then test cards will not work and will return the error you've mentioned. This will always be 16 characters or less, and only contain letters and numbers with no spaces or unusual characters. The ReleaseAmount larger the original amount. The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. If we receive a POST from any other server, you will see this error message. You will need to ensure that you have logged back into your My Sage Pay admin account and selected the Default templates in order for the Sage Pay payment pages to re-appear. You will need to check to ensure that the card number length being provided is correct and that you are sending the full card number situated on the front of the card. You are therefore unable to perform any further refunds against the original transaction. 3D-Authentication failed. You will need to check your code to ensure that you are not sending more than the maximum value of 100 characters. You will need to check your code to ensure that the CV2 value provided consists of either three or four digits only depending on the card type selected. You must always check your code to ensure that you are providing a valid identifier within the VendorTxCode field for all transactions. Overlaps with an existing rule. The resource requested is no longer available and no forwarding address is available. The NotificationURL which you have provided is not recognised by the Sage Pay servers and therefore we cannot send you all the transaction completion information. You failed 3D-Authentication. The card type you sent in the CardType field is not active on your account. Either the currency requested is not available for this payment system, or the supplied combination of currency and paymentsystem is not available for this vendor account. The authorisation response was taking longer than expected and has therefore timed-out as a security measure. Invalid Amount field format. If no card address is provided you will be presented with this error message. The ApplyAVSCV2 field can only ever contain the following four values : 0: Use the Default setting on your account 1: Force the AVS/CV2 checks and use the appropriate rules 2: Force No Checks for this transaction and ignore the rules 3: Force the AVS/CV2 checks but DO NOT wish to apply rules. The Authorisation process failed, due to an internal server error. If you are passing any other characters, or spaces, you will receive this error. For example if your currency is GBP, the Amount field value can be sent as 123.45, 4567.89, 0.36, 12.30 but not as 123.456, 4,567.89, .36 or 12.3. In this case, please . A transaction is unable to be registered without this information. The vendor does not match with the vendor who registered the token. The currency field will dictate what currency is being processed through your Sage Pay account and must be included in the post. You will need to ensure that your code is not sending more than 10 characters within this field and that no invalid characters are being sent. The Transaction was Registered Successfully with Sage Pay. The Amount including surcharge is outside the allowed range. The Vendor field should contain the vendor name supplied by Sage Pay, or selected by you when completing your online application form. Only zero or positive decimal values, to 2 decimal places. This system message would only be generated if you are using the Direct integration method and the issue number field which you are submitting to us is incorrect. Please ensure that you are sending the correct value in the TxType field.