Oregano Origanum vulgare 15 mL Part Number: 30180001 Wholesale: $22.00 Retail: $29.33 PV: 22 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Oregano is one of the most potent and powerful essential oils and has been used for centuries in traditional practices. Product Description. ���� 9:ݺR�=��h{�s� 0000015902 00000 n 0000008868 00000 n When you are ready to become a wholesale member with doTERRA there are a few options to start. �v�n܉�wB�>n� wd:*OB��*� �Y����8�0���1�a�W7]�1�$c�ʄn���#WC��{����l�;�v����@��7|���dHb�,����P�� X���d3�����5�y��Kg?t�`Iާ��,�b�FySOR`�����������"O�uY�����jv�xM�ow�y�S�GT��%�"Xn7��C`�lp��lu�^~:�Z�_��X����O����z�/�0������Ґw%-���ߖ����&\�^������@��o��7��;��4O��t�n�p��r{M;��jvr��`~ 6�!� endstream endobj 13 0 obj <> endobj 14 0 obj <>stream 0000058765 00000 n 0000006211 00000 n Simply start with just the membership only ($35) or elect to purchase an enrollment kit with doTERRA products which also waives the membership fee. for oregano include athlete’s foot, candida, canker sores, Ebola virus, intestinal parasites, MRSA, ringworm, staph infection, viral infections, warts, and whooping cough.” • “ On Guard : On Guard is a blend of dōTERRA oils and it has been lab tested to decrease symptoms of the flu. 0000030968 00000 n 0000057299 00000 n 0000032235 00000 n Many experts advise the use of Oregano Essential Oil first and foremost during the winter months because of its many powerful benefits for protecting health. 0000003272 00000 n This is the Sidebar 2 Widget Area. 0000030851 00000 n zY/jK��d^|�?���n�9�նM֙�gR� }[�Z��H�Ӳ��[-�9��&k� Extracted from the fragrant leaves of the oregano plant, Origanum vulgare, Oregano essential oil has made its way into cookbooks and cabinets around the world. You can add content to this area by going to Appearance > Widgets in your WordPress Dashboard and adding new widgets to this area. f�3���w���=�A�,{���!r��� lxF�3��yJ>��2����Y����G͑L�=i��qfe���}�P��q� y�os���FS)f/#{y��l���,�$g�7%�/��y� ܮ}� endstream endobj 18 0 obj <>stream 0000043348 00000 n 0000070878 00000 n $29.33 Maximum quantity available reached. dōTERRA is Social. 0000030345 00000 n 80 64 0000007339 00000 n 0000011557 00000 n 0000014632 00000 n 0000099705 00000 n 0000024715 00000 n * Además de ser una especia popular de cocina, 0000001957 00000 n 0000002187 00000 n 0000034485 00000 n 0000001863 00000 n FAQs – Keeping your credit card details secure with dōTERRA 10 Dec 2020. 0000006630 00000 n 0000013869 00000 n 0000040495 00000 n dōTERRA Oregano Touch 10ml. h�b``�a``�a```.�ŀ Oregano oil is one of the most versatile and powerful essential oils. doTERRA partners with a family-run, multi-generation distillery in southern Turkey for its Oregano oil. oz of liquid daily to maintain healthy immune function. 122 dōTERRA Canada SPA Onyx Balance Bath Bar NZ$ 12 (amavi-bath-bar.pdf) 123 dōTERRA Canada Oregano essential oil 15mL NZ$ 40 (oregano-oil.pdf) 124 dōTERRA Canada Oregano Touch essential oil 10mL NZ$ 27 (doterra-touch-oregano-oil.pdf) 125 dōTERRA Canada Palmarosa essential oil 5mL NZ$ (palmarosa-oil.pdf) 0000029290 00000 n Oregano’s aroma acts as an enhancer and equaliser in essential oil blends. 0000006465 00000 n 0000229159 00000 n 0000007235 00000 n �� ��ʌqH~O>E�mײ��@����ͤ�!D"�]��kзޠ��#�����n�������'�Bǃ��3P� U�>�Zߎ'T�S���Эe�S����� `�?4��7߶�����fx9�U�. Additionally, Oregano should be diluted with a carrier oil when applied to the skin. dōTERRA Magazines. $_|�扈�$�x&���)�5�]ބ ˑ���)�lX�t*GP�G�a��L��`E�@�h٠=>>:�������bqq!��������3�����[%2��!/�Vf31�`�[��uȭG6ok4�"��[Ko��ǣ��ֽu��4�����ñ�.���Ӳ�rd���� H|������p|�L̸ v���/��W�W��e 0000028410 00000 n Oregano Peppermint Ice Blue® (5 mL) Other Products: Petal Diffuser. Description Oregano is one of the most potent and powerful essential oils and has been used for centuries for its varied benefits. 烙Rx9Ы�o�w�K���?���+�]�r����0Ԏ�]��߽�s���rt�^�w�p6q;�-[6�4��=�~�I����5}�#���wqFO���Z���F��#����N�;�so4m��yƪ�/�md��fn��M 1. Descripción aromática Herbáceo, agudo, verde, alcanforado Método de obtención Destilación por arrastre de vapor Parte de la planta Hoja Principales Componentes Carvacrol, timol, para-cimeno, γ-terpineno. See more ideas about cooking with essential oils, doterra recipes, recipes. Description Now available in a Touch version, Oregano essential oil is one of the most powerful and potent essential oils available. H��S]k�0|ׯ�G"Œ,[��^ 0000032530 00000 n Slowly whisk in the canola oil, sesame oil, and dōTERRA Tropical Cuisine Blend until the mixture is smoothly combined. 0000191013 00000 n Oregano is one of the most potent essential oils and has been used for centuries in traditional practices. With nine of our most popular oils in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil, the doTERRA Touch Kit combines the best benefits found in essential oils in a convenient easy-to-use 10 mL roller bottle. 60200146 dōTERRA Cheer® Touch 10 ml 21,67 € 16,25 € 18,00 31020001 Citrus Bliss® 15 ml 26,67 € 20,00 € 25,00 49480001 ClaryCalm® Roll-On 10 ml 32,67 € 24,50 € 27,00 0000058398 00000 n 0000050073 00000 n 0000020472 00000 n 0000089796 00000 n doTERRA Touch Oregano provides a gentle option for those with sensitive skin to receive the renowned benefits of Oregano essential oil. dōTERRA OnGuard – Protective Blend: OnGuard is so popular and useful there is a whole line of soaps, soft gels, hand sprays, and more! Jun 3, 2016 - Recipes for dishes and drinks that you can use doTerra oils with. The Family Essentials Kit has a … z-� endstream endobj 26 0 obj <>stream 0000033841 00000 n * The primary chemical components of Oregano are carvacrol and thymol, both in the phenols group, which possess cleansing and antioxidant properties. 0000015832 00000 n 0000034858 00000 n 0000020292 00000 n !�v�rWi���+(�[A3�� T�ty]�b�ߛ���R���n��� �tx endstream endobj 19 0 obj <> endobj 20 0 obj <> endobj 21 0 obj <>stream Menudeo: $19.33. 11 990 Ft 8 950 Ft-dōTERRA Oregano Touch 10ml mennyiség + Kosárba teszem. 0000020007 00000 n dōTERRA Oregano Touch 10ml. Take one drop in a veggie cap or 4 fl. 5.10 dōTERRA Breathe Respiratory Blend (2:13) 5.11 DigestZen Digestive Blend (2:55) 5.12 Deep Blue Soothing Blend (2:28) m��Cr����u9�ι��we�����v�4;;cӂe��JT2�d�cɆ����g�1�����`��r^1��ۑ��ɸ(q�XQWR�1Z�fe�0�L�������m�� z�E�m�w���1n�ۚ�L�Ő�b���oeEuG�i�����n����J�w�zeB *����_����U�R��fZj�T#ʺ�:.c�$���Y.����,�c�.��s ���O�����,�h�p�T�r y&�?x�>����O) Uses Cosmetic Mix one drop with Fractionated Coconut Oil and rub into hand ��?� �? %PDF-1.5 %���� 0000014822 00000 n Oregano is a popular cooking spice. Known as a popular cooking spice, Oregano also acts as a powerful cleansing agent, and offers powerful antioxidants*—extending its uses far beyond the kitchen. �� 8/�L�������ӂn|c'��k�7�;��p����h����Ez�N�1�pl�ݎ�U��T�*s��cM�}h�㷶ʅW�ݖ��Ro���h-��An��.��d�'� DǤ� endstream endobj 15 0 obj <> endobj 16 0 obj <> endobj 17 0 obj <>stream 0000042714 00000 n 0000031679 00000 n dōTERRA Oregano Essential Oil - 15ml. �q�]Dt�v��ڨ���ѷ�mG�u��}�S��^0�����~�^��v!��j���8O��\���W#^��#XB'�����%�� Zx�$����sL@F�����j�~�xe�]��@����&Ї��H 0000040802 00000 n 0000014979 00000 n 0000068594 00000 n 0000025190 00000 n 0000010719 00000 n Origanum vulgare. The primary chemical components of Oregano is carvacol, a phenol that possesses antioxidant properties when ingested. Description. 0000104508 00000 n 0000025772 00000 n dōTERRA Oregano Touch $ 21.00. 0000011506 00000 n Carvacol and thymol, the two main chemical components in Oregano essential oil, possess purifying properties. 0000031972 00000 n 80 0 obj <> endobj xref More than half of the world's oregano herb currently comes from Turkey, including the oregano used in doTERRA Oregano essential oil. 0000014745 00000 n Part Number: 60200227 Size: 10 … 0000049753 00000 n 0000089757 00000 n Primary Benefits. 0000015058 00000 n 0000015200 00000 n trailer <<95C30870A7BB48E98BEA300D18FCCE19>]/Prev 78488>> startxref 0 %%EOF 69 0 obj <>stream Mayoreo: $14.50. 0000040221 00000 n Put one drop in place of dried oregano in spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, or on a roast. H��S[o�0~��8��D]_b;A���mڵ�"�%Y�)�.i���'�:�j�>�wι ����vC�� �,����t�ƽjf �=9%�)�_#�Х5'��=I�Hp�. 0000009119 00000 n Popular Pages. 0000015383 00000 n 0000015228 00000 n �����}��N�]����ټ0O��6�Ys�n�8c�N�t 0��{�1KV��������E�!m��j 0000012305 00000 n Frequently Asked Questions about dōTERRA Oregano Where is doTERRA Oregano sourced? �ҋO^)�fLW�ݐM�w������C��f��|�}��$��H8TBMc��'w�'ݒ6�8�-���ؗ��$ߙ'��,*p�*NT��A����,��Vq��Sx�B ��j�0�v���B�:��`�ZX�+��>���6�B?TFM�#���6�"��MOC�/�lܚ7�Cow"Z�i�s��W`�e+�����-x����v�Z���� �'R���HfÚe��vr��� 0000057766 00000 n 0000010220 00000 n 0000014953 00000 n https://au.do-essential-oils.com/products/doterra-oregano-essential-oil-15ml doterra.com 6 Aug 2020. 0000005813 00000 n 0000013033 00000 n dōTERRA Touch Oregano provides a gentle option for those with sensitive skin to receive the renowned benefits of Oregano essential oil. dōTERRA Oregano tópico. 0000035285 00000 n 0000061013 00000 n 猰@@r��W5��J��� �Q>Y�*[�º�W\�LV?k��lx� ܞ����x�O��6������0�g��>�r�ҦҰ)$�wV���(����'�ӦԌJ�)��iyF����H�S�e!ag�١҅�8�3�JmK��2���$�Fg� �yS�ű�pel-;�!/������KMs�L��8�D�c���1L�#��(�C�`bH�.H_����l:�!�W���/�%�%�{�������s����d}�d�T��A�;i�ːY���L1�2S�*�x�)%z�̕`�2̕�t���A�=�{��3�;|l%-:��Q>��.�ړp��(�;�Y)�C��R� 0�i|T3����z��̓sO��3��k�%}+;�m R� d~��q#k�$�b�k�Y��k2NY�k���e��[D����z+����VKX.�L��E{��cFBA��㐌F�C�a��\���b�*Lw�W����5�t4�L�����c~�SF"u=�Ď�. The primary chemical component of Oregano 0000010878 00000 n 0000014900 00000 n 0000031285 00000 n h�b``�g``�������À Oregano is one of the most potent and powerful essential oils and has been used for centuries in traditional health practices for its cleansing and immune-boosting properties. H��TMo1��W�Hq�|�[Yq �H\��Z����T���K��N����H��q�����l�@Irf+����9�s�l臢|����Ɗ�G8�`�8�� }�z���T c�{F?�#].�YYy�!��L 0000009718 00000 n 0000012288 00000 n 0000020497 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� Una gota tomada diariamente puede ayudar a mantener la función inmunológica saludable; el orégano se puede tomar con más frecuencia cuando las amenazas estacionales son altas o cuando sea necesario para un incremento adicional de inmunidad. H��TQK�@~?���D꺛\�;�� … 0000000016 00000 n 0000031433 00000 n 0000059078 00000 n COVID-19 Update 17 Mar 2020. In addition to being a popular cooking spice, Oregano acts as an enhancer and equalizer in essential oil blends. 0000008134 00000 n 0000193388 00000 n Created to provide a natural and effective way to boost your immunity, this blend includes the oils Wild Orange Peel, Clove Bud, Cinnamon Leaf, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Leaf, and Rosemary Leaf/Flower. £16.67 Maximum quantity available reached. X��� PN�%I��$x 6�c�����P"�b�AM�F�%IX�]>�nl���������Z���)��Q�����-JW�Z7X��r*�8I�=h���n���-su��N����O$��$� ^�\�; ��,J endstream endobj 5 0 obj <>>> endobj 6 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 7 0 obj <> endobj 8 0 obj <> endobj 9 0 obj [/ICCBased 27 0 R] endobj 10 0 obj [/Separation/PANTONE#202573#20C 9 0 R<>] endobj 11 0 obj [/Indexed 9 0 R 0 28 0 R] endobj 12 0 obj <>stream How To Choose dōTERRA Enrollment Kit. 0000049481 00000 n Now available in a Touch version, Oregano essential oil is one of the most powerful andpotent essential oils available. 0000015004 00000 n 0000034191 00000 n Site Archives Site Archives dōTERRA Essential News. 0000056257 00000 n 0000009549 00000 n 0000058254 00000 n 0000099627 00000 n £28.00 Maximum quantity available reached. 0000005095 00000 n Description. !1J�N�J�4��ur�,�m���: ����8�����sM��8�E �����}�� ��%!P|� �D�'��z�+��K�������.��}8|�݇Ue2��P� ��U�`�*Y���3H}9W@���m New Look! 0000002532 00000 n *|r)ʹ�/�u����@�?Z�,"�=��F:'�M� '6�C�]�q�Q��z= eU %8��-@��l� ����d�ݵ�e};���^S�f�7��,�Y%T�ۂ�js����.��e�5��I: B��Ҩ�,v�իN���F�9�P��_�w��?K��Y�b>��J#�j������pޟY��@|?�dMA��AVO�kY�)�)��GROjzo�O 0000006654 00000 n trailer <<3B0C5B6F10254DF9AC665030C42CDB05>]/Prev 241176/XRefStm 1863>> startxref 0 %%EOF 143 0 obj <>stream 0000028799 00000 n 0000049194 00000 n 0000003986 00000 n Product Description. 0000015661 00000 n 4 0 obj <> endobj xref 4 66 0000000016 00000 n 2 drops dōTERRA Tropical Cuisine Blend; Instructions: Combine the soy sauce, honey, garlic, green onion, and sesame seeds until the mixture is smooth and even. Oregano is a powerful immunity booster, as well as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral treatment. 0000020891 00000 n 0000001861 00000 n 0000030057 00000 n 0000015297 00000 n 0000015349 00000 n 0000016006 00000 n dōTERRA Oregano Essential Oil - 15ml. ���kP ��4 9��W�����7�����Aag�����C�k�MH�eMٱ�/� �. 0000049587 00000 n Agregar al carrito. H��T�n�@}߯�G��^Y��H��%W�����T�ĥ���;�ƵӪR�P!��2s�ٙ!��� �T vI�;!��� ��!o����E?�-_��y:�3ƒ��8�0��L/p2ʘ�[D��n�Ӈ�5� �������r�ۨ��д����*�q���a��ˣ��� P�О��w���u�Z��MQ�M���Z�]_=�� ... dōTERRA Touch® Kit. 0000008148 00000 n Uses. dōTERRA Oregano Touch - 10ml Roll On. 0000001576 00000 n 11 990 Ft 8 950 Ft. 2 készleten. 0000002032 00000 n 0000034640 00000 n OREGANO Natural Immune Support ©2009 dōTERRA INTERNATIONAL,LLC +Take several drops in an empty gelatin capsule for periodic immune support +Dilute and apply to bottom of feet of kids and adults as a natural defense +Use internally as part of a monthly cleansing regimen for … ������ ��� 30H3��3�22H\`��{�=���aKÑ� :b. Description Oregano is one of the most potent essential oils and has been used for centuries in traditional practices. Oregano ne sprijina sa facem pasi spre o spiritualitate adevarata, invitandu-ne sa traim in non-atasament si sa invatam ca devotamentul fata de o putere superioara include eliberarea de rigiditate, de incapatanare, de atasamente nesanatoase, de materialism. 0000057654 00000 n * Put one drop in place of dried oregano in spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, or … 0000006068 00000 n Use immediately or store properly for future use. one of the most potent and powerful essential oils and has been used for centuries in traditional practices. �e���8�P�xU�_U�_ / 0000015117 00000 n 0000190656 00000 n 0000030824 00000 n 0000066294 00000 n 0000009517 00000 n 0000007054 00000 n 0000015716 00000 n H�|T�n�0��+�h�*Y��"E����)POqQ�I�aA�,)u��C�o49Y��y�n�uPҤ*�YM���i�T�EiKQ�3S�,��v���*K�#���g���8�,hH��5dXj��e�"I`�I��S�p^+ɲ?�)�eY� dōTERRA Oregano Uses. 0000057793 00000 n dōTERRA cuando se aplica en la piel. Oregano se adreseaza persoanelor dornice de a avea intotdeauna dreptate. H�tTMo�0��W����>�K����v���b(2���$K��i�N�n0"����D栈�&$@���\��c�*'���c���N�����}�F�ك������)�#:���ۈ�`�U���^}���Θ���}��fpkP��h�Dr�dz�t��z�H: y��'�L# � �b@1O��5�r �^^(`����C�+D����iÒINϪ���x�)�ce��Ɂ ,����NbXqF��Վk�ɬ�bN��_}a���ș�U�ᨆܪ^���aC�Y 7!ת2�Pk�u2��a�#����!�NR��G�E#q��P�m��'� 0000008520 00000 n Kedvencekhez. H�|Tko�0�ί�aj]?� Lemon, Melaleuca (Tea Tree), dōTERRA® On Guard®, Oregano and Peppermint 1 Set 10,650 8,000 125 60215160 Essential Aromatics Touch Kit Includes: dōTERRA Cheer® Touch, dōTERRA Console® Touch, dōTERRA Forgive® Touch, dōTERRA Motivate® Touch, dōTERRA Passion® Touch, dōTERRA Peace® Touch 1 Set 8,650 6,550 127. Oregano Oil Product Description Extracted from the fragrant leaves of the oregano plant, Origanum vulgare, Oregano essential oil has made its way into cookbooks, cleaning cabinets, and supplement capsules. Product Description. 0000068344 00000 n * Add one to two drops to a veggie capsule to support healthy respiratory function. � endstream endobj 24 0 obj <> endobj 25 0 obj <>stream Oregano 15 mL $33.92 $25.44 25.44 dōTERRA Oregano Touch 10 mL $22.67 $17.00 17.00 Patchouli 15 mL $41.69 $31.27 31.27 Peppermint 15 mL $28.97 $21.73 21.73 Peppermint Beadlet 125 Blts $16.25 $12.19 11.75 dōTERRA Peppermint Touch 10 mL $19.33 $14.50 … 0000075641 00000 n 0000009905 00000 n The Family Essentials Kit is a collection of ten nurturing essential oils, including six single oils and four blends.Includes 5 mL Essential Oils: Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Melaleuca, Oregano, Frankincense, Deep Blue®, Breathe, DigestZen®, and On Guard. 0000042994 00000 n 0000001616 00000 n 0000004156 00000 n 0000003952 00000 n 0000048915 00000 n 0000052499 00000 n 0000004954 00000 n ��{�6y�n��cyQ���wGn��t�K_��.��Du��,!o��}����SKQ��0�@��34��(A$�cw7� tEC���� Mb��S% k��!��R�D(���|'��Lg�Y�J �]�_�sD5j�P� 9����|���u��'�m�T@d(�8A4��5~g�e:_�WM9\Z\��� 8=O3�t߃�;�[x�+w�A�]�o�O�VT'�TDc�_p�����������0�tl*ߗJyPZaݰ���^�F���pI ��;�l���1�p�e4�cj�'aB$� �u�3���ov�;GA��8�K��F��#|gp���B�(�8|�d�]�����XG�ο{FGTi�GF�8J�)� B�Aw endstream endobj 22 0 obj [/Separation/PANTONE#20384#20C 9 0 R<>] endobj 23 0 obj <>stream 0000020805 00000 n 0000004198 00000 n dōTERRA Oregano Touch Join dōTERRA Today and Save 25-55%! 0000057017 00000 n
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