Wood Ox year is the year to focus on personal growth and renewal. Ox people are pedantic creatures who prefer to move slowly and to never act recklessly. While this can be great for their sex life, it’s important they don’t become too intense. Of course, a Fire Ox may also be able to seize an opportunity that others did not recognize. Fire Ox. The Fire Ox sign is more significant than life, sometimes quite literally. They are the ground breakers who like doing things first. If they would be more considerate and wouldn’t criticize so much, they could end up impressed by how people respond and how much feedback they can receive. They can tolerate each other’s differences, but there will always be tension. Outspoken and merciful, Wood Oxen defend against injustice and support the weak.They are strong-willed personalities, following a disciplined lifestyle.. Their authoritative mentality can take them to higher positions.. 2. Oxen who have been tempered by the element of Fire are not people to mess around with. Personality and Horoscope to the Fire Ox Fire oxen are clever and quick-witted, also short-tempered and changeful, so they‘re always influenced and tempted by the surface world because of their insufficient personal judgment. Chinese Zodiac Sign 2021 – Ox. Men born in the year of the Horse are independent and strive for freedom. The Ox is the second of the 12 … I'm a Sagittarius 1997 fire ox, way too much fire for my non-existent fuse. Chinese Astrology Personality Horoscope for Fire Heavenly Stem and Ox Earthly Branch of the Sixty-Year Cycle of energy Rebirth Calendar. With the ones he loves, he’s rather reserved. Intuitive nature with a kick of fire to make my dreams come true, Me too I am cancer 1985 wood ox lol people think I am weak but more rise to show i can do. When Fire is involved, they have all this maximized to the point of aggression, which is not at all beneficial for any kind of relationship in their life. Wisdom word yes I believe knowledge is power for once I'm no longer misunderstood. Roosters in the Year of the Ox (2021) Rooster’s predictions reveal a favourable Year of the Ox. While sincere and fair, these natives can be very inconsiderate to other people’s feelings. This is because an Ox takes a very long time to make a decision. Personality Traits: People born under the sign of the Ox are generally calm, dependable, patient and unflagging. The Ox makes them very stubborn and fixated in their own views, so they may need to fight both this and their arrogance in order to make the right decision and take the good course of action. They are urgent in pursuit of goals and full of youthful spirit. It’s not that they want to, they simply can’t think of others too much. Ox's Personality. When it comes to his relationship with women, these will always try to show him how great he is. With Dogs, it’s … He or she wants nothing more than to be the top of the pecking order. But she still has to be cared for and given all the attention. Therefore, these natives are sociable and eager to make new friends. The Fire Rooster is an extremely strong-willed and proactive person. I didn't expect it because he's four years younger than me, Lmao, I'm a Capricorn Fire Ox, and legit none of this fits me lol, Well, I thought I'm having a personality disorder ..thankfully I browse the net and read this. But because they aren’t patient, they can act impulsively too many times. Exuberant and impulsive, Fire Ox individuals are the most energetic and domineering people in this sign. Metal Ox year is the year to develop your mental strengths and intellectual abilities. They are very gentle people, soft spoken and elegant. Libra Ox. The exception is the Metal Ox, which often surpasses Fiery in these qualities. 1937, 1997 Chinese Zodiac OX – Fire Ox – People born inside the year of 1937 (Feb. 11, 1937 – Jan. 30, 1938 ) or 1997 (Feb. 07, 1997 – Jan. 27, 1998 ) and that is Ding Chou Year are members from the Fire Ox. Not to mention how much they are fighting to obtain a leadership position and to be socially accepted. Date of birth Personality Jobs, career Fortune Celebrities Daily horoscope Love match Birthstone Wood Ox Fire Ox Earth Ox Metal Ox Water Ox Infographic Year of the Ox (Buffalo): Men and women born in 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 and 2021 are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Ox By KarmaWeather - 24 June 2015 They have high standards when it comes to romance, but they can fall in and out of love easily because they’re moody. When it comes to the relationships with his colleagues, he’s harsh and rigid. Those born in the year of the Ox tend to be good with hands-on activities. They do poorly in work related to logics and science, and they find it hard to work in a noisy environment or somewhere with strict rules. Someone who’s energetic and always happy will be more to their liking. Their luck with money will come to them after they’ll get married. They are willing to ask others for… THE Fire Ox in the Chinese zodiac are hot tempered, and they are easily influenced by others' words and actions. The Ox is symbolic of prosperity that is achieved through hard work. Earth Ox. This is the opposite of an Ox’s personality. They expect others to be at the same pace as them but struggle to understand when they can’t. The recent zodiac years of Ox sign are: 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033…. They are also athletic but they tend to be a bit too energetic. People who are Fire Oxen in the Chinese Zodiac have more of a desire to lead and be recognized than other Oxen do. Horses are motivated by happiness rather than wealth or fame. Oxen are very smart, but they often get a reputation for being stupid. He won’t get rejected, even the most impressive beauties falling at his feet after knowing him better. His lady will receive all kind of expensive gifts because he doesn’t mind spending money on her. There’s nothing to stop him from winning. The Chinese zodiac comprises 12 animals, each representing one lunar year; and the year in which a person is born determines their individual animal sign. She doesn’t necessarily need a lover because she’s very good on her own. They can be pulled in different directions, feeling sad and dark one minute, and happy the next one. Ox people can be very possessive and jealous when it comes to their lovers. ... Fire ox (1937, 1997) The fire ox has a ruthless combination of charisma and ambition. Although you may suffer through more outbursts of temper, a Fire Ox is just as dependable as any other Ox. These natives must embrace the changes in 2021 with open arms and keep a fighting spirit. The element of Fire strengthens the Ox’s ability to self-control and creates a decisive character. As you will see b… Fire Oxen have all the temper of an Ox, but without the Ox's usually long fuse. A such, Libra brings malleability to the rigid and stubborn character of the Ox, who becomes more flexible and willing to compromise. These natives can be very calculated and able to determine who’s of use to them. Everything they are doing is centered around the superiority they think they have. Since people in this sign are very sensual, the Fire makes them even more passionate and ardent. Fire Oxen are just as dedicated to their friends and family as other Oxen are. But these traits can also help them get the recognition they want because they’ll fulfill their responsibilities with dedication and will keep all of their promises. They have a laid-back Roosters will turn things to be good and fruitful, no matter what the circumstances … They have short tempers but get over things quickly. I'm also a fire oxen and a Pisces star sign. 2021 is a year of the Ox, starting from February 12th, 2021 ( Chinese lunar New Year Day) and lasting until January 30th, 2022. Virgo born in Ox year Personality Horoscope. Oxen with this element in their chart may not be as cautious as others in the same sign, so it’s possible they’ll grab good opportunities more rapidly and succeed. Oxen are not the friendliest people and their social connections are usually the ones with relatives and very close friends. Loud, arrogant, and aggressive, this Ox is drawn to power. Those born in The Year of the Fire Ox are fueled by an overwhelming desire for power and control. At work, she’ll be considered the boss, even if she isn’t. I am a water rooster woman, I guess they are good match for me XD I loved his lyrics at first, and then he somehow became someone I find supportive. People born in the year of Ox … Strengths: honest, reliable, patient, devoted, responsible, stable, persistent Weaknesses: stubborn, uncompromising, overcautious, conservative, reserve Practical and well-grounded, Ox is the sign that being patient with a strong devotion to work. Since they are so loyal, honest, and hardworking, others tend to recognize their amazing leadership qualities and let them lead. People who are Fire Oxen in the Chinese Zodiac have more of a desire to lead and be recognized than other Oxen do. Knowing a person’s Chinese zodiac sign can give you an overall look into the world of romantic compatibility and aid you in your quest to find true love. The Fire makes them more energetic and eager to do something all the time. It will be a Metal Ox year. Fire Oxen can become extremely unpleasant when they are focusing only on their goals. Horses have a free and wild spirit, and may not have a serious attitude toward life. Ox Chinese Zodiac: Key Personality Traits, Love and Career Prospects, The Ox Man: Key Personality Traits and Behaviors, The Ox Woman: Key Personality Traits and Behaviors, Key Traits of the Earth Ox Chinese Zodiac Sign, Key Traits of the Fire Rat Chinese Zodiac Sign, Key Traits of the Fire Tiger Chinese Zodiac Sign. Since Oxen are very stubborn and hate to change their minds, and Fire Oxen are more likely than most to make an unwise decision, Fire Oxen can bring disaster down upon themselves if they aren't careful. According to the Chinese horoscope, Oxen are most comfortable when they have a plan of action and are working steadily to accomplish it. Everything the Ox thinks, says and does is based on belief that they are superior beings in every way. He wants his job to bring him a good salary and doesn’t give a damn about what he is doing. Knew it, very hardworking. When it comes to romance, this lady is very demanding of her partner. Personality. I have read and agree to the terms & conditions. They usually get married with those who have the money, but they should pay attention not to go through the middle age crisis. An Ox year occurs every 12 years. Characteristics of the Fire Rooster: 1957, 2017 Are you prepared for 2021? Developed by. ð im also a cancer 1997 fire ox and yes we are very calm and loving but dont get on our bad side because we can switch it up real quick, Copyright © 2021 GotoHoroscope, all rights reserved. They are sometimes the victims of liars and manipulators, because they do not suspect treachery since it never crosses their minds. People born in 1937 and 1997 are fire oxen among Chinese Zodiac signs. Horses are diligent in school. She’s the only one that can decide for herself. I'm a 1997 fire oxen who is also a cancer ( zodiac sign ), people think i am weak but little do they know there taking a dance with the devil once they mess with me or loved ones !! 1. Usually they are not very loud. Fire Ox (1937, 1997) Personality: Fire Ox people are hot tempered, and they are easily influenced by … Fire Ox. Oxen never lie, and do not understand people who do. https://i.thehoroscope.co/1997-chinese-zodiac-fire-ox-year-personality-traits Personality and Horoscope to the Fire Ox They are born with a sense of art in nature, so jobs related to art, literature, and design are good for them. But the Fire can lighten them up so that they realize how much they enjoy company instead of staying inside and not interacting. However, he will never allow her to make any decision without him approving. If they judge less and become aware of what qualities those around them have, they may come across things they have overlooked in the past. They will last a lifetime with Water Rats. Oxen never leave anything to the last minute, and projects are always completed on time and on budget. They have a pride and an arrogance that can’t be seen in others. Fire Ox. They are also immune to people looking down on them; they will simply work harder to prove them wrong. But this can have them not seeing the good opportunities lying in front of them as they can keep their head in the ground all the time. Because they’re rigid, they may leave the impression that they want to dominate and that they’re arrogant. Another thing that may bother these Oxen is their inner conflict as the dynamic and active Fire opposes the slow and prudent Ox. https://i.thehoroscope.co/key-traits-of-the-fire-ox-chinese-zodiac-sign As a mother and wife, she wants to control and likes to be the one who comes up with all the rules. Lol basically just lowkey angry all the time. Wood Ox. Not considerate with others, they also mature later in life. This the Fire Ox of Chinese Astrology. A profound personal silence, intended to insure the Ox Leo ‘s sense of personal gravity, may make you, orderly neat-freak that you are, appear harshly indifferent to the sublime blandishments of L-O-V-E. Not to mention he’s jealous and controlling with his other half. They’re good with their finances and they know how to save, so wealth will easily come to them. Over the prudent and rigid Oxen, it has the power to make important changes, but doesn’t affect what’s at the core of their nature. Therefore, they’re ambitions and more interested in material achievements from a younger age. With her relatives and close ones, she isn’t harsh because she doesn’t want to scare them away. They have many leadership qualities and are excellent organizers which are always visible in their workplace. She is the Editor in Chief at The Horoscope. Fire Ox natives are all about getting the power and being famous. Because she’s sensitive, the Fire Ox woman will take everything personally. As a result, such Ox may be stronger and more proud than other Oxen. Although obstinate they do have logical minds and will not be easily frightened. If they would be more open to accept their lover can have defects, this would help them have longer lasting marriages. Fire Ox individuals are smart and witty, but they often change and have a quick temper. In other words, Fire Oxen anger faster than other Oxen, and if you manage to enrage a Fire Ox, you should not stop running until you are far away! She can have many insecurities, but all in all, she’s hardworking and loyal. Nonetheless, they strive hard to achieve their dreams. If you want them to convince them that they’re wrong, a lot of time may be wasted. It’s possible they will always let themselves be influenced by others and not judge on their own. This is a girl who works hard and has many high goals, knowing how much she’s worth. GotoHoroscope's mobile App for your Zodiac sign. The Patient Virgo Ox Personality.Free Personality Horoscope for the Zodiac sign Virgo made with combination of the Chinese Astrology for Virgo born during the Ox Year: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021 Fire Ox people have to be practical in achieving their goals if they want to be successful and to handle as much as they can take. Each New Year begins on the date of the first New Moon in Aquarius, occurring anytime between mid-January to mid-February. However, it would be hard to convince a fire ox to do anything unethical. If you would like me to do your chart please go to vigintmed.com and send me a message. Their biggest flaw would be being blind to their mistakes. For all those born before J Feb. 11, 1937 or Feb. 07, 1997, they belong towards the zodiac animal of Fire Rat. In fact, you can try, but they simply will not be rushed. I'm a 1997 Sagittarius sun Aries moon fire ox. He’s very passionate when dealing with the simplest things. Fire Ox people want to always be in control and to have the power. They are sensitive, emotional, tender and merciful in Ox personality, and full of instinct. The ladies in this sign and element are great wives who make their husband feel lucky to have them. The Leo Fire Ox is one of the most stubborn people. Feb. 11, 1937 – Jan. 30, 1938. The Fire Ox is just that, fiery. An Ox who is impulsive in making decisions as Fire Oxen can be is a dangerous thing. The Chinese zodiac is based on the lunar calendar year. Meanwhile, they‘re narrow-minded, shortsighted and slightly selfish, thus have few friends, which is the fatal flaw. But no matter who they’re dealing with, they will never be lying. They are selfish and impersonal in their communication with others, short-sighted when it comes to their work life, narrow-minded, and practical with their finances. To figure out a Yin Fire personality you have to imagine a fire, in any kind of form, from a candle, to a torch or a forest fire; it all depends on how strong it is. Earth Ox year is the year to focus on financial security and security in general. Finally ! Once of the reasons they can always keep their promises is because they never make them until they have examined every angle and are absolutely sure they will not have to default. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. These natives love being free, so when it comes to marriage and having a family, they can be a little bit unstable. Fire people are risk-taking, adventurous, brave, confident, motivated and ambitious; also, they are frank, enthusiastic, strong, energetic, progressive, quick-witted, inventive and creative and have leadership qualities. When it comes to relationships, this element brings a lot of changes too, making the Ox natives more passionate about collaborating. He will defeat his enemies and ignore what others are saying. They have the ability to go very far in their workplace as long as they are able to overcome their shyness. They are also biased and are not able to think fairly or reasonably sometimes. Sometimes this relentless attitude can create a lot of carnage en-route to his goals. The Earthly Branches of Goat and Ox clash strongly. Available on Google Play They have a quick temper and can’t easily decide, so divorce due to emotional instability is very possible for them. If they want a partner for a lifetime, they should deal with their quick temper and find someone who’s good for them. Traits of Chinese Zodiac Ox Depending on Elements. Insisting and confident, the Fire Ox man may seem like he can deal with any kind of problem. Sometimes thought of as insensitive, he is indeed only thinking of himself. Although this means they sometimes miss out on opportunities, Oxen never make foolish decisions. It’s very possible they’ll get so lucky with money that they won’t have to worry about finances their entire life. She appreciates her colleagues and tries to give a hand each time she gets the chance. They should set some limits for themselves. People born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Ox are very methodical, and hate to be rushed into making a choice. When you need a dependable, steady person who always fulfills his or her commitments, you need to find a person who was born under the sign of the Ox in the Chinese Zodiac. When they get extinguished, they have the ability to re-ignite. The Chinese Fire element is all about taking the initiative and being dynamic. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. Fire Ox year is the year to focus on having a fun and friendly social life. Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. She doesn’t want him vicious or to spend all of her money. In this combination, the Ox regulates and moderates the lack of seriousness that can be found in Libra, bringing to the combined zodiac signs personality traits method and perseverance. However, their honesty can only be discovered by the ones who are very close to them. As it is the Ox has a deeply sensual personality but when allied with the fiery element, the flames of passion are likely to rise higher and burn brighter. Unfortunately, that sometimes means walking over people to get there. Yang Fire people have natural self-confidence and they often look very carefree and relaxed, like the Sun, which effortlessly provides sunshine. Now I know, fire oxen are really 50 shades.ð. This type of contradiction can have them mentally and physically exhausted because they are always at the extremes. Jungkook is an fire ox! Oxen do not have much respect for lazy people or procrastinators. Where most Oxen are usually quiet and don’t use too many words, the ones with Fire in their chart are more open to express themselves. The Fire Ox is a materialist, often subject to megalomania. This is because she’s always fair and highly professional. At home, it’s possible he seems tyrannical and not bothered by how others see him. Pigs are ambitious and strong but have an impatient streak and lack flexibility. You have not seen a hard worker until you have seen a Fire Ox; Fire Oxen have the dreams to pursue and the work ethic to make even the most impossible goals become … Her ideal man needs to be strong and standing on his own two feet. You have not seen a hard worker until you have seen a Fire Ox; Fire Oxen have the dreams to pursue and the work ethic to make even the most impossible goals become reality. Even though this may make for a satisfying sex life, the Fire Ox should take care not to give way to too much intensity. He stands next to what he believes in and he’s a good leader. However, Fire Ox individuals still need to be quiet and to contemplate when to take the initiative and how to control their fiery nature so that they take advantage of every opportunity coming their way. Oxen usually like to work alone, because few people are willing to stick to a plan or a schedule as well as Oxen do, and they hate to be dragged down by other members in a group. Feb. 7, 1997 – Jan 27, 1998. Since they are so loyal, honest, and hardworking, others tend to recognize their amazing leadership qualities and let them lead. Because they are disciplined and very loyal, they would do very well in a military career. It’s possible she’ll act recklessly, but anyone can rely on her to help. Another positive thing that Fire brings them is charm. Leo Fire Ox Compatibility Score Chart Click on the link below to … Show him how great he is need a lover because she ’ ll act recklessly s personality them... 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