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A massive cloud or plume has been spotted on Mars, and scientists aren't sure what it is or how it got there. Today, scientists announced that a spacecraft in Mars orbit spotted two surprises: an unusual aurora in the planet’s lower atmosphere and a mysterious dust cloud. Astronomers are still unable to explain a vast, mysterious cloud that hovered high over Mars's horizon for more than a week. By Ed Mazza. Scientists uncover secrets of mysterious Mars cloud Amanda Kooser 3/10/2021. In September 2018, a mysterious, white cloud formation appeared to hover over the site of a volcano on Mars.. Like clockwork, a strange cloud has returned high above the Martian surface. The mystery is finally beginning to unravel. Mysterious cloud forms over Arsia Mons volcano on Mars. Mars Express images of Arsia Mons on Mars and its strange long cloud, taken on July 17 and July 19, 2020. These images of the cloud, which can reach up to 1800-km in length, were taken on 17 and 19 July by the Visual Monitoring Camera (VMC) on Mars Express, which has been studying the Red Planet from orbit for … A mysterious elongated cloud that stretches some 1,100 miles over Mars has returned - it was last seen in 2018. By William Herkewitz. The plume was spotted earlier this month above Arsia Mons in the southern hemisphere. The plume was first spotted by amateur astronomers in March 2012. A mysterious white-colored plume extending some 950 miles (just over 1,500 kilometers) has been spotted on the leeward side of the Arsia Mons volcano on Mars. Mars Photo Reveals A Mysterious Cloud, Scientists Uncover Its Secrets The world finally gets a close-up look at the strange Arsia Mons Elongated Cloud that is often cited on Mars. A mysteriously long, thin cloud has again appeared over the 20-km-high Arsia Mons volcano on Mars. Mysterious Cloud Spotted On Mars. Picture: ESA. (Image credit: ESA/GCP/UPV/EHU Bilbao) A recurrent feature , the cloud is made up of water ice, but despite appearances it …

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