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This ending is only applied when the following noun forms its genitive with the suffix "-s" or "-es". Irgendwas (something) "Einig-" as an article / attributive: "Beide" means both (persons or things). (This is mein.) Possessive article: When there's a noun after possessive word, it's a possessive article (Possessivartikel). Man sollte hier langsam fahren. German pronouns are German words that function as pronouns. German Grammar Explained / Pronouns: he, she, it. welch- (which) Er telefoniert mit jemand. Wessen Bücher sind diese? When will someone come?) German possessive pronouns are: There is a slight difference between possessive pronouns and possessive articles. (You can write with this pen, that is broken.) The pronouns wer? (There is no one.) However, before you can choose, you need to make three essential considerations. However, we have no genitive form of "welch-" in relative pronoun's declension and no singular forms in indefinite pronoun's declension. "Nichts ist passiert." Ist der dein Hund? beide (both) Die Prüfung hat mehrere Stunden gedauert. Other prepositions or verbs take the dative. (Both dogs are black.). Dieser (this) and jener (that) get the endings of the definite articles in the declension. Du bist schon zu spät. Below is the complete declension table of "welch-". Then put your knowledge to the test in the exercises. Some examples of indefinite pronouns include etwas, nichts, man, jemand, jeder. However, normally just "-es" ending is used in singular forms. jede- (each, every) In German, you typically use definite articles (der, die, and das) as relative pronouns. "Was für" remains same and doesn't decline. It is not gender-specific and can replace all three types of German nouns (masculine, feminine and neuter). Alles läuft gut bis jetzt. Plural of 2nd person polite form is same as singular. Declension of relative pronouns welcher, welches, welche. (I do not remember. Wem gehört der Hund? Nach einigen Tagen kaufe ich ein neues Auto. Er telefoniert mit. Ich brauche alles oder nichts. Wer sind Sie? (Every girl can take this course.). (New street is well built, but several think against it.) It is used for non-specific person/persons. Learn about dependent and independent possessive pronouns online with Lingolia. : German possessive pronouns in the nominative case Posted by Sandra Rösner on Dec 6, 2012 in Grammar, Language The ability to change perspectives when we talk with one another is one of the most awesome characteristics of humans. There are dependent and independent possessive pronouns in German grammar, both types must agree with their noun in case, gender and number. Ich sage etwas und du hörst gar nicht. (Who are you?) -m, -r, -s, -e, -n) that reflect the gender & case of the noun you’re replacing with the possessive pronoun. (I will soon buy a new car. It refers to non-specific things and can't be used for persons. Kennen wir uns schon? Interrogative pronouns are wer, was, wem, wen, wessen. (The car I dream of is unfortunately very expensive.) Indefinite pronouns (“etwas, man, jemand, jeder, alle, niemand, …”) are used to express the amount of things and people. man (one) (In Switzerland, everyone can own weapons.) All reflexive pronouns (Reflexivpronomen) are in the objective case (accusative and dative) i.e. Reflexive pronouns are never used in nominative case because they always refer to the subject. In der Schweiz kann jeder die Waffen besitzen. Information on this website is general information about rules and regulations of German language. "Wer" and its declined forms for people, Das ist unseres. Both of these pronouns, derjenige (that one) and derselbe (the same) consist of two parts, der and jenige/selbe. Although you don’t use exact numbers, things desribed by indefinite pronouns have to be countable. wessen (whose) der, das, die, (that), In der Schweiz kann jeder die Waffen besitzen. (Is someone there?) For more information on Reflexive verbs, see Reflexive verbs. "Jemand" can be combined with the suffix "irgend-" to form "irgendjemand". Possessive pronouns indicate possession. However, in colloquial language "was" can be used in dative. (Why are you driving this car and not that one? There is a slight difference in the use of relative pronouns between English and German. (This is ours.) In accusative and dative "man" changes into "einen" and "einem" respectively. ), Pronoun "man" is extensively used in everyday language, where the subject is not important or in daily life general statements. Was für ein Typ ist er? / This car belongs to me.) Irgendwohin (anywhere). Hast du irgendetwas gesagt? niemand (no one) ), Declension of "was für ein-" as an attributive, Declension of "was für ein-" as a non-attributive. Not any particular warm clothes but "welche" some or any. Das ist mein Auto. (Nothing has happened. Wann wird jemand kommen? The pronoun "man" (one) should not be confused with the noun "Mann" (man). "Niemand" (nobody, no one, none) is negation of "jemand". ), Possessive pronoun: When there's no noun after possessive word, it's a possessive pronoun (Possessivpronomen). Learn about indefinite pronouns with Lingolia. There are three conditions in which "all" doesn't decline and remains in its initial form. However, in German "all" shows declension. (Who owns the dog?) German has subject pronouns, too: ich, du, er, sie, es, wir, ihr, sie, Sie. Was spielt die wichtigste Rolle in der Drehmomentberechnung? "Was für ein" consists of two parts, "was für" and "ein". Irgendwie (anyhow, somehow) ), Das Auto, von dem ich träume, ist leider sehr teuer. Here is the German possessive pronoun meiner, meaning mine, in all its forms: (The house that I sold yesterday is in Hansa street.) Hast du warme Kleidung schon mitgenommen? Personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns, relative pronouns, and interrogative pronouns are all explained in the following pages.

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