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She was brutal to Elena in Rose, backhand-slapping her so hard Elena spun in mid-air much like a spinning toy before landing unconscious on an old sofa. A vampire makes Matt kill Penny, and he becomes hellbent on getting revenge on Stefan. There, she is shown to have a strained relationship with her daughter. She initially attempts to hide her involvement with Jeremy from Pearl, and Anna and Pearl eventually get into a fight. In the beginning of the series, Jeremy was emotionally damaged by the death of his parents and begins to use drugs. He had a bad relationship with his son and acts very authoritative towards him. Liz is later informed by Mason Lockwood that Damon and Stefan are vampires, though she is skeptical, particularly regarding Damon. Silas takes the cure from Katherine and transitions back into a warlock. Stefan Salvatore (based on Stefan Salvatore from the novels) was born and raised in Mystic Falls to Giuseppe Salvatore and Lily Salvatore, who died when he was young. Anna developed romantic feelings for Jeremy, who suspects that she was not human and tests it by forcing her to drink his blood. Annabelle "Anna" was a vampire who comes to Mystic Falls in order to free her mother from the tomb. As the Other Side is about to close up, Bonnie sacrifices her life to save Jeremy. In 6×22, he is credited as a special guest star. Caroline gives birth to the twins, named Josie and Lizzie (after Jo and Liz Forbes). When Bonnie drops the veil to the Other Side, Jeremy's ghost returns, saving Elena from Kol. Before leaving town, Isobel compels Alaric to get over her and tells him that she realizes it was a mistake to become a vampire. Valerie gathers the remaining Heretics and together they perform a spell to attract the babies into being born. However, Jeremy eventually reveals the truth to his friends. Like “She wasn’t afraid of him anymore. After Tyler accidentally kills Sarah, a classmate who was compelled by Katherine to provoke him, his fears come true as he has triggered the werewolf curse. However, she does care a lot for her well-being, which is shown when she arrests a bartender after Caroline gets drunk. Anna enrolls in high school in order to spend time with Jeremy, and they begin a romantic relationship. John was additionally responsible for staking Pearl. He was resurrected in the season finale. John confronts Pearl about her possession of the invention but Pearl had already given it to Damon. Rose was an attractive and pretty young woman. 6 On the island, Shane steals Jeremy and Bonnie and forces them to commit the ritual to raise Silas. He quickly found himself working with Elena and her friends in an effort to stop Markos and the Travelers. In season seven, out of love for Lily, Enzo allies himself with the Heretics. While Damon left to track down Jules and try to find a cure, Elena took care of her at the boarding house. Death is often not permanent on The Vampire Diaries, and Jeremy Gilbert is a prime example of that. When Jeremy tells Bonnie, she asks him to no longer talk to Anna and completely shut her out. A television series based on L.J Smith's The Vampire Diaries, which premiered on The CW in 2009. Later, Jeremy came to the conclusion that it was time for him to move on with his life and leave for Santa Fe, New Mexico. After Elena's birth, a heartbroken Isobel gave her daughter to Grayson and his wife Miranda Gilbert. She escapes the burning of vampires in the town, and gives the brothers her blood so that if they were killed they would nor have to die, both brothers turned into vampires after being shot by their father after trying to rescue Katherine from being burned even though she had her own plan and this almost ruined it. Rose, unwilling to face Klaus' wrath if he learned Katerina had died on her watch, fed her her vampire blood to heal her, not realizing that this was a trick on Katerina's part to get Rose to give her what she needed to survive. Damon and Enzo are abducted by Tripp Cooke, who plans to kill them by driving them into Mystic Falls. Vampire brothers, Stefan and Damon Salvatore, battle for the affection of selfless teenager, Elena Gilbert. She begins dating news reporter Logan Fell, who had cheated on her in the past. After Kai absorbed the Travelers' spell around Mystic Falls, Jeremy regained his hunter abilities. It was revealed that he and Isobel were working together to free Katherine. Rose seemed to care for others, vampires and humans alike, and stated on several occasions that she has never enjoyed taking human life. Rosebud (by Damon)Rose (By everyone) Harper, portrayed by Sterling Sulieman in season one, is a kind-hearted vampire that escapes from the tomb when it is opened, but he is killed by John Gilbert. Sheila Bennett was the grandmother of Bonnie Bennett and a very powerful witch. Isobel asks Elena to join her at a place safe from Klaus, but Elena refuses. Brown Vicki was a troubled drug-addict, taken care of by Matt as their mother had left them. In the last episode of season 8 it is revealed that Silas was sucked into Hell after his death in season 5. Liv and Luke are later reunited with their long-lost sister, Jo; they reveal that, as the twin children of the Gemini Coven's leader, they must merge their powers on their twenty-second birthday – the stronger of the two will become more powerful while the weaker will die. Jeremy later loses both his aunt and uncle on the day of the sacrifice, leaving Elena and himself without a guardian. EddieJillMaintenance Worker Family information Rose was a vampire and the best friend of fellow vampire Trevor. Originally, she was an innocent girl who was banished from her village because of her psychic abilities, and cast into the ocean only to wash up on a deserted island. Klaus later grants Caroline a graduation present, allowing Tyler to return to Mystic Falls. Rose fled as soon as she saw Elijah, but Damon stood in front of Elena to protect her. Kai did not possess any magical abilities of his own instead having the abilities of a siphoner meaning he was only able to gain magic by stealing it from someone else. Although he seems kind and amicable to the outside world, he was actually quite selfish. She is first introduced at a Founders Day party at Mayor Lockwood's house. However, this season four death still hurt a ton. Kai betrays Damon and kidnaps Elena trading her for his freedom with the devil. Deceased When Tyler gets into a fight with Jeremy, he takes them outside and tells them to fight rather than talk to solve their problems. It was later revealed that Elijah, one of the original vampires, convinced Carol to stop taking vervain in order to compel her. Her friendship with Damon ends because he left Bonnie while he desiccated himself in a coffin until Elena wakes, so Bonnie would never see him again. Elena had trouble believing and trusting John, especially after he invites Isobel into their house; Elena rejects them and leaves. She died after overusing her magic to seal away the tomb vampires. He gets a job at Whitmore College as the occult studies professor. He and Caroline get back together, but in the season three finale, Bonnie places Klaus' spirit in Tyler's body in order to save his bloodline (which includes Katherine, Stefan, Abby, Damon, Caroline and Tyler himself). However, on learning about this, Klaus murders them all, along with Tyler's mother. She was introduced as an inexperienced witch and sought out Bonnie Bennett to help her. In the beginning of the series, she was dating Tyler Lockwood. Before they can achieve peace, Amara kills herself and Stefan attacks Silas. His love for Bonnie, however, prevents him from falling completely under Sybil's control. After a short period of distance, they make up, both admitting to having used each other, but have fallen in love along the way. She is Bulgarian and was banished to England after bearing an illegitimate child out of wedlock. As a vampire he murders Liv Parker and the rest of his family and puts Elena Gilbert in a coma. Alexia "Lexi" Branson was a vampire and Stefan's best friend and companion. After Elena left to give Rose and Damon some privacy, they shared a dream created by Damon's vampire ability to create an illusion in which they were in Rose's birthplace of St. Austell, where they played in a huge, sunny field full of horses and flowers. Silas brags about returning to life and bringing about a "plague" saying he'll probably kill many people. Bonnie and Alaric subdue him and place him in another Prison World where he reveals to Bonnie that Katherine is the new Queen of Hell. Elena reaches out when she learns that Isobel is her biological mother, but Isobel avoids contact. In all other first-season episodes, she is not credited and doesn't appear. She later hallucinated that Elena was Katherine and attacked her, wanting to get revenge on Katherine for putting her and Trevor on the run all those years ago. It is revealed that Bonnie is a key component to finding the cure, as she was a descendant of the witch who entombed Silas, and is the only one who can open the tomb. In these two years with the Mikaelsons, she learns that she is a Petrova doppelgänger – which means that she can be sacrificed to release Klaus' werewolf side. Dream created by Damon in which they are in Rose's birth town. Jo is killed at their wedding and in season seven he attempts to resurrect her. Hurt by Caroline's decision and wishing to protect his friends, Tyler later leaves town with Jules. She makes an appearance in the series finale to help Bonnie save Mystic Falls with the rest of the Bennet witches. Stefan and Damon make it seem as if Vicki had left town. However, he knew Damon was a vampire, that there had been a tomb under the Fell's Church, and he knew about Katherine. Bonnie performs a spell that allows Jeremy to stay alive. He first appeared in episode 3 of season 6 called Welcome to Paradise and appeared in 17 episodes of that season. Matthew G. "Matt" Donovan (based on Matthew Honeycutt from the novels) is Elena Gilbert's childhood friend and ex-boyfriend and is one of the only completely human characters in the TVD Universe. In the beginning of season six, once Alaric Saltzman has been resurrected, he tells Jo Parker that Meredith is married and living somewhere in Alaska. Kai captures Elena and tortures her in the Mystic Falls high school, testing his new siphoned magic on her, causing her daylight ring to melt and carving his name into her face. In the ninth episode of season four, Carol was killed by Klaus as payback for Tyler's plan to kill him. Matt is shown to be devastated by the loss of his friend. She goes to the remaining tomb vampires, then reveals their plans to Damon – possibly to protect Jeremy. Rose used to call Damon her "special friend," and was in a friends-with-benefits relationship with him. Sybil is a siren and the servant of Arcadius, more commonly known as the Devil. As others are forced to leave, Valerie stays behind, and Bonnie arrives to tell her of Beau's death. He completed the merge ceremony with Kai through a loophole because he didn't want to kill Liv, nor did he want Kai to do the same to Jo and take the leadership of their coven. Damon killed her to make the town council think that she was the vampire terrorizing Mystic Falls. Rose was furious when she heard Katerina had fled from Klaus with the moonstone and feared retaliation from Klaus when he learned of what she had done. He manages to injure Kai and save Alaric's life. However, John invites her in the next day. However, it backfires when he is affected by the device that neutralizes the vampires, due to carrying the werewolf gene. Tricked into partaking in cannibalism by Seline to avoid starvation, Sybil threw herself off a cliff once she learned the truth and was forcibly turned into a siren against her wishes by Arcadius and at Seline's behest. In the season three finale, he dies when Elena drowns because their lives had been linked by Esther. Enzo is a series regular in season six,[3] helping Caroline discover a way to resurrect Damon and Bonnie. • Tom Killed by After Caroline is captured by a group of werewolves and Tyler hesitates to come to her rescue, Caroline breaks off their friendship. Qetsiyah reveals that she escaped the Other Side to punish Silas and links a weakened Stefan to Silas so as to limit Silas's physic ability. Mary Porter (as a human)Jules and Damon Salvatore (as a vampire) Her newfound strength allows her to break the spell over Elena and reunite with her best friend. Rose helped Damon learn more about Klaus and the Originals. So much time wasted. Stefan impales Silas with a switchblade killing him almost instantly. The Vampire Diaries is an American fantasy-drama television series which was first broadcast on The CW from 2009[1] to 2017, airing 171 episodes over 8 seasons. She was born in Mystic Falls, Virginia on October 10, 1992. Lily moved from city to city, killing many people, until she was encountered by the Gemini Coven in Manhattan. ", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_The_Vampire_Diaries_characters&oldid=1019963711, Lists of American drama television series characters, Lists of science fiction television characters, Articles with dead external links from June 2014, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention from September 2017, All Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention, Articles needing additional references from March 2017, All articles needing additional references, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The characters are listed in the order they were first credited in the series. She was the youngest daughter of Joshua Parker. However, Matt later finds out that the original witch ordered Vicki to kill Elena in return; with the help of Bonnie, Matt makes Vicki return to the Other Side and shuts her out of his thoughts. Status The spell ends up killing Bonnie, who awakens as a spirit. In 2018 October, another spin-off television series of both ‘Vampire Diaries’ and ‘The Originals’ appeared in the CW. He was later turned into an Original vampire by Esther in order to kill Klaus with an indestructible White Oak stake. Isobel then kidnaps Alaric and takes Elena to a graveyard where her parents placed a tombstone for her. When it happened again, she grew increasingly stronger and had a bigger urge to kill Elena, thinking that she was Katherine once again. This allows the members of the Gemini coven to live longer and have a greater access to magic. Matt later moves into the Gilbert house when Elena moves out, due to Jeremy's urge to kill her. Silas hunts for the newly human Katherine sending Damon and Nadia to try and find her however this does not prove fruitful. This suggests that she regards human life as more than a source of food or to be exploited, although it must be said again that she did compel the woman in that cottage. Later in life, she met and married Alaric Saltzman. Damon, Jeremy, Liv and Josette go to save Elena however Jo's new powers prove to be too weak and she collapses. He is the son of the late Giuseppe Salvatore and the older brother of Stefan Salvatore. Isobel later tells Katherine that she made a deal with Klaus for Katherine's freedom, but she has to give Klaus the moonstone and the Petrova doppelgänger, Elena. However, Liv and her brother were secretly sent by their coven to stop Markos and the Travelers. She goes through with their plan to save Mystic Falls and kill Katherine. Eventually Klaus releases Alaric, who gets back together with Jenna, but soon afterwards Klaus turns Jenna into a vampire and kills her for his sacrifice ritual, leaving Alaric heartbroken. They inherited one ring each, which prevented them from being killed by supernatural forces. They are listed in the order that they first appeared on the show. Shane then convinces Bonnie, Elena, Damon, Stefan, Jeremy, and Rebekah to assist him in finding Silas. John later returns to Mystic Falls and tells Jenna that he was Elena's biological father. Tyler is seen in the series finale as having been reunited with Vicki, where the two find peace together and continue to watch over Matt. After Hell is destroyed, Matt continues to be sheriff and is about to run for mayor, where he's watched over by his sister and Tyler. She has an adoptive aunt named Jenna Sommers who serves as Elena and Jeremy's legal guardian in the first two seasons of the series but was killed by Klaus Mikaelson. She was known for being loyal to her friends, and once she teamed up with Stefan, Damon, and Elena, she fought for them by giving them the information they needed in their fight against the Originals. Liz then finds out that her daughter has been in a car crash and goes to the hospital, where she is comforted by Damon. Liv eventually revived Luke, and when he saw how the spell was draining her of her life force, he used his magic to force her to stop the spell. An unknown nurse (who was assumed to have been a vampire) fed her vampire blood while she was in the tuberculosis ward in 1858. She locked Katerina in a room with intentions of returning her to Klaus after sunset. Damon asked jokingly: "Just friends?" In 1492, her friend Trevor sent Katerina Petrova to the cottage where they were staying to hide from Niklaus Mikaelson. Rose-Marie, commonly known as Rose, was a recurring character of The Vampire Diaries.Rose was a vampire and the best friend of fellow vampire Trevor.When Katerina Petrova was on the run from Niklaus Mikaelson, Trevor helped her escape and sent her to Rose to get help.While in their hideout, Katherine tricked Rose into feeding her vampire blood and then killed herself to turn into a vampire … In season six, Liv continued attending college and had developed a romantic relationship with Tyler Lockwood. Kai explains to Bonnie that they need an ascendant, some Bennet blood and a powerful celestial event to escape the prison world and they plan to escape that same day. It is revealed that she is Nadia Petrova, and is searching for her mother, Katherine. She has shown to be sad for her fallen friend, Trevor, who she had turned many years ago, and considered him to be her only family. He returns briefly for prom. In the fifth-season finale, Silas returns as the Other Side begins to collapse. After her transformation, Isobel found John and they formed a partnership to obtain a mysterious invention created by Jonathan Gilbert. She is revealed to be a member of the Founders' Council, a secret organization dedicated to protecting Mystic Falls from vampires. Elizabeth "Lizzie" Saltzman, portrayed by Tierney Mumford, is a siphon, the twin sister of Josie and the daughter of Alaric Saltzman and Josette Laughlin. Her height is about 173 cm, or 5'8". Some of the characters appeared in the spin-off series, The Originals and Legacies. Supernatural information For example, after she and Trevor kidnapped Elena, she smacked her across the face and sent her flying backward after she snapped at Elena to be quiet, as she was nervous about the arrival of Elijah and their intention to trade Elena for their freedom. Bonnie then fulfills her promise to Enzo to live her life, and leaves to travel the world as he watches over her. She is in a coven – one which hates everything the Travelers stand for – that protects doppelgängers from the Travelers, especially Elena. Rose-Marie, commonly known as Rose, was a recurring character of The Vampire Diaries. Markos, portrayed by Raffi Barsoumian in season five, is the leader of the Travelers, who comes back from the dead. Klaus then explains that the Brotherhood of the Five are a group of vampire hunters who kill vampires in order to search for a cure to vampirism. From 1×01 – 2×16, Kat Graham is credited as Katerina Graham. Kai and Damon team up to kill the all powerful devil Arcadius with Damon trying to find out ways to keep Kai in the world of the living. However, Isobel became obsessed with vampires and after being romantically involved with him, she asked Damon to turn her. Valerie shelters in Stefan's house after being disowned and nearly killed by her own family. However, they later get back together. In season five, Liv was seen attending Whitmore College. He and Damon later revive their friendship while he searches for his lost lover, Maggie. During the course of the fourth season, she becomes closer to Jeremy again, hinting at a possible reunion between the two. However, unknown to her, this 'Art of Expression' draws magic from the spirits of a massacre. Damon escapes while Bonnie and Kai are trapped. However, it is later revealed that Bonnie only pretended to despell it. After he helps her, Matt finds out that the original witch wants Vicki to kill Elena in return; with the help of Bonnie, Matt makes Vicki return to the Other Side and shuts her out of his thoughts. She called on Slater, an old friend, who knew how to locate Elijah. Jeremy becomes more and more powerful Silas is sucked into oblivion in the last shaman in midst! Student at Whitmore College who Elena briefly dates Damon trains him reason for coming back is that was. She forms a confidence in herself that is not there when he 's the vampire Diaries ended 2017... 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