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The Tenderness of Wolves by Stef Penney – I’ve had this book since 2007. Yet it was hard to put down- blew the others I was reading at the start out of the water. This is particularly impressive for someone who has never visited a place of such beauty and isolation. Stef Penney grew up in the Scottish capital and turned to film-making after a degree in Philosophy and Theology from Bristol University. It is easy to feel compassion and interest for virtually every character in the book. ‎ 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY EDITION - FEATURES READING GROUP QUESTIONS AND NEW MATERIAL FROM STEF'S UPCOMING EPIC NOVEL, UNDER A POLE STAR COSTA AWARD WINNER and WORLDWIDE BESTSELLER. Since there where a constant change of points of view, it made me wonder where the author was taking me along the story. Ross.[3]. [ I wanted Mrs Ross and William Parker to add on the romantic feelings they were developing for each other. I wanted to know what happened to Amy Seton. The Tenderness of Wolves is a novel by Stef Penney, which was first published in 2006. In their brief moments together at the beginning of the novel, Angus Ross never speaks to his wife, and she does not have a single good friend who knows her well enough to address her by her first name. I can understand why people like it because there are plenty of wonderfully crafted moments, but the novel lacks focus and depth. Impossible to go slow — esp. A brilliant and breathtaking debut that captivated readers and garnered critical acclaim in the United Kingdom, The Tenderness of Wolves was long-listed for the Orange Prize in fiction and won the Costa Award (formerly the Whitbread) Book of the Year. You bring it all with you, whether you want to or not.”, Orange Prize Nominee for Fiction Longlist (2007), Theakston Old Peculier Crime Novel of the Year (2008). Still it�s a satisfying quest of a mother taking risks to save her son and portrayal of the range of human motivations that drive people to good and evil in the context of a remote environment. Penney's writing kept me interested. It's similar to saying that even if someone reads lots about a country and say, its political situation, they are not entitled to comment on it unless they have been there to study it first hand. The Tenderness of Wolves. I quote it verbatim for you, dear reader: The hero of this novel is only ever referred to by two names: Mrs Ross, and Mama. being sick and doing nothing but reading. The hero of this novel is only ever referred to by two names: Mrs Ross, and Mama. A well crafted, interesting, hard to put down book. Being from areas near and similar to the setting in the book I was surprised at the author’s ability to craft the feeling of the Northwood’s in winter, and particularly the feelings I had as a child during my first experiences with the intimidation that can be caused by the isolation and alien nature of the woods. Certainly the book has all the makings of a great novel. Our protagonist, Mrs. Ross, discovers the body and alerts the authorities. This book received the Costa (Whitbred)Award which I find totally surprising. This is a frustrating novel on so many levels. If only more books were written like this!!! My only complaint about the book is that I felt it left things untied, made one wonder what happened to the characters, as what happened to them, but the author does mention this in an interview about ending a novel and that "endings are never neat, because when life goes on, there is no end." In Stef Penney’s mystery novel The Tenderness of Wolves (2006), a violent crime exposes the corruption, greed, and injustices plaguing a small rural town. He is soon released, however, and then becomes Mrs. Ross's guide in her quest to find her son. In an Elle Q&A interview, Penney revealed that the inspiration for the novel originated as a screenplay she had written 12 years prior to the novel, which also featured the novel's main character, Mrs. She can definitely weave words, and her recreation of 19th C. backwoods Canada has a really authentic feel to. Upon returning home she finds that her seventeen-year-old son, Francis, a friend of the murdered man, has disappeared. If you are unsure how best to edit this programme please take a moment to read it. This was the best book to read while there is a heatwave outside, as this story tells the tale of an isolated settlement at Dove River during a snowy wasteland with wolves. My interest in this novel was heighted by two outside pieces of information: that the author was a screenwriter and that she had never been to the area north of Georgian Bay where the novel is set (and had been criticized for it). This was a very interesting book, sensitively written and complex and managed to have elements of romance in it without putting me off too much (anyone who follows my reviews will be surprised by this). I appreciated the imagination it took for a British writer to convey the hardscrabble existence of life in remote northern Ontario in the late 1860�s without ever having been there. It was entered into the 23rd Berlin International Film Festival. Well, it was worth the wait. Mercedes. Stef Penney's smoothly written debut novel is an engaging and pacy mystery set in mid nineteenth century Northern Territory. Mrs Ross sets off with a half-Indian guide, William Parker, to find her son. After her husband searches, but fails to find Francis, she and the tracker set o. This story takes place in the 1860s in the Northern Territory. Its metaphor for the hunters, and tribespeople. This page was last edited on 30 September 2019, at 13:02. That appeals to me. Tosh. It starts with the discovery of the murder of a trapper, and then follows various events that occur as the murderer is sought. Sometimes insightful remarks are made which are so reductive they have the power to diminish life even as they explain it. News of Jammet's unfortunate end travels south as well, bringing it to the attention of Thomas Sturrock, a former journalist and retired searcher whose talents have endeared him to many Indian tribes. The murder of a trapper and disappearance of Mrs. Ross� teenage son sets her, friends of the trapper, town officials, and representative of Hudson�s Bay Company on various paths to resolve the mystery, leading different parties to carry out dangerous treks to distant settlements in the middle of winter. This combined with the very human nature of both the story and characters made them human. Told from different points of view that kept me reading late into the night. She is reserved, polite and, as a married woman in these stifled Scottish, Presbyterian, conclaves in 19th Century Canada, almost invisible: when a self-important local figure demands, ‘Is you husband in?’, she note. I liked the weaving storylines and plots and the way the characters were connected in what I was imagining to be a vast wintery wilderness. It was written by Kurt Raab, who also stars in the film, and produced by Rainer Werner Fassbinder. I wanted to know more about how Mrs Ross's relationship with her husband had fallen apart. Interesting but not for the reader!!! That appeals to me. During the day, she pulls up the mask over her face readily enough – but not without effort, not without having to concentrate, to pretend. Ferocious people caught in very intimate circumstances, not an animal romance. Well it's 1:20 AM and I just finished this well written page turner. The Tenderness of Wolves is a must-read historical epic, weaving adventure, suspense and humour into an exhilarating thriller, a panoramic romance and … Once all of these characters have been introduced, the novel then follows their respective journeys—and the discoveries they make along the way—through a land gripped by winter. She is reserved, polite and, as a married woman in these stifled Scottish, Presbyterian, conclaves in 19th Century Canada, almost invisible: when a self-important local figure demands, ‘Is you husband in?’, she notes that “As a woman I’m obviously not supposed to know anything”. It's going to be tough to read my next book now, as I really loved being inside the world of The Tenderness Of Wolves. When her teenage son disappears in the aftermath of the murder of a local fur-trader, Laurent Jammet, she is for a while paralysed by indecision. This book contains an intricately woven mystery, with several subordinate mysteries embedded into the main storyline. The story opens in 1867 with the discovery of a dead body and a missing son. BBC Radio 4 FM, 24 October 2007 19.45. It's a tad on the bleak and tragic side, although at least it constantly humanises and rehumanises characters. My husband found it for me at Sequoya Library just before they closed for the day. The Tenderness of Wolves is a novel by Stef Penney, which was first published in 2006. Mrs. Ross, the protagonist and first-person narrator of the novel, finds the mysterious trapper in his isolated cabin on the outskirts of settlement called Dove River. Well, it was worth the wait. To criticise Penney because she didn't go to Canada to research it (as apparently happened) is in my mind nothing more than a form of literary snobbery. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published Donald Moody – Accountant for the Hudson's Bay Company. So, at the risk of gushing, I'm telling you to run, don't walk, to reserve this at your local library or buy it. Well it's 1:20 AM and I just finished this well written page turner. What begins as a mystery in a trapper's cabin in 1867 ends with me wrinkling my nose in distaste in 2010. Outstanding debut novel from this Scottish author. “Clearly the secret of happiness...is a variation on the general principle of banging your head against a wall, and then stopping.”, “...it just goes to show you can't leave anything behind. I'm not sure I get the title. The Tenderness of Wolves. The novel opens with the discovery of the murder of a French trapper and trader named Laurent Jammet. Had she escaped? I wanted Mrs Ross to confront her husband over his affair and his treatment of their son and leave him! In this historical fiction set in the Canadian wilderness in the mid-19th century, a French-Canadian trapper living near an isolated village is found murdered in his bed. Mrs. Ross brings the murder to the attention of the town's magistrate, Andrew Knox, who then calls upon the Hudson's Bay Company to investigate the murder. If only more books were written like this!!! But it is not. This book has been sat on my shelf for some time, ever since I picked it up at an Op Shop (‘Charity Shop’ for all your English followers) and liked the cover instantly. It's one of those books you read where it. We couldn’t put it down’ Costa Award Committee ‘An intensely atmospheric murder mystery that consolidates its hold with each The setting is tangible and immediate; whether it is “real” doesn’t matter as far as I can tell. Synopsis. Especially the movie "Stagecoach" when John Wayne becomes encumbered by a happenstance rescue of ladies and other dumb innocents within and from an unforgiving environment. Winner of the 2006 Costa Book Award and the Costa Book Award for First Novels, critics praise its scope, genre-bending plot, and characterization. She made three short films before studying Film and TV at Bournemouth College of Art, and on graduation was selected for the Carlton Television New Writers Scheme. Would probably give it 4 1/2 for capturing my interest. First of all, let me make it clear.. This first novel that won the Costa (formerly the Whitbread) Award for Stef Penney, initially presents itself as a claustrophobic 19th-century murder mystery, set in the dead of winter and confined to Dove River, an isolated European settlement on the edge of the Canadian frontier. Synopsis. Jacob – Native American guide for the Hudson's Bay Company; Moody's personal protector. What does her past have to do with the present?). The Canadian legacy of fur-trapping and the Hudson Bay Company play an important role in the narrative. I am putting this aside for a couple of reasons. The Tenderness of Wolves is a must-read historical epic, weaving adventure, suspense and humour into an exhilarating thriller, a panoramic romance and ultimately, one of the books of the last ten years. Set in the cold north of the 1860s, "The Tenderness of Wolves" is a slow-paced thriller dealing with a murder in the time way before CSI, or even formal police departments. It’s dark and bleak and full of atmosphere. July 10th 2007 She has also written and directed two short films; a BBC 10 x 10 starring Anna Friel and a Film Cou. Finished it Monday night. Is this book perfect? When my book club chose this I didn't think I would like it because I usually don't read murder mysteries. It won the 2006 Costa Prize for 'Book of the Year'. Our protagonist, Mrs. Ross, discovers the body and alerts the authorities. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. For what it's worth, this is the first book I've read since I joined Goodreads to which I've given five stars. Her defences from herself have been stripped away. 2/10. Stef Penney’s debut novel is a complex story centred on a murder in the small Canadian settlement of Dove River. The mix of people concerned with the death further expands with the addition of William Parker, who is a half-Native American trapper. Who cares if she never went to Canada? Also, I was not thrilled with the short chapters each told from a different viewpoint or with numerous different characters. My sister recommended this during a Sunday afternoon phone chat. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Suspicion falls upon her son and a mixed-race tracker. Penney captures the voices, terrain, and myriad of cultures of the remote and vast Hudson Bay territory. Something about the title of the book had attracted my attention. But numerous times I had to flip back to the beginning of the book to verify the time period and location. BBC Radio 4 FM, 16 October 2007 19.45. The Tenderness of Wolves is in part a murder mystery, opening with the brutal killing of a French-Canadian trapper near Dove River, a small settlement in Canada's northern territory. The storyline and characters are compelling and full of depth. In a small Canadian town by the Georgian Bay, Mrs Ross finds the body of her murdered neighbor, trapper and fur trader Laurent Jammet. It’s set in Canada in 1867 beginning in a small place called Dove River on the north shore of Georgian Bay where Mr and Mrs Ross were the first people to settle. I appreciated the imagination it took for a British writer to convey the hardscrabble existence of life in remote northern Ontario in the late 1860�s without ever having been there. Initially, he is suspected of having committed the murder and subsequently detained. Did they let her go? Edit Submit Cancel We have produced a Style Guide to help editors follow a standard format when editing a listing. The year is 1867. The Hudson Bay Company sends their men to investigate several suspects. We get a nice. Just what I needed right now to be honest. Maria Knox – The elder of Mr. Knox's two daughters who is known more for her dry wit. The Tenderness of Wolves is a novel by Stef Penney, which was first published in It won the Costa Prize for 'Book of the Year'. Although it took me some time to become absorbed by the story, I soon couldn't put it down. 13 Jun 2011 Leave a comment. An excellent read! She has also written and directed two short films; a BBC 10 x 10 starring Anna Friel and a Film Council Digital Short in 2002 starring Lucy Russell. Someone who has read this: Does it have anything to do with wolves? What was so special about the said review? William Parker – Half-Native American trapper, eventually becomes Mrs. Ross’ guide through the wilderness. I read the whole thing and I am still scratching my head in confusion. The Tenderness of Wolves is an entertaining and well-written adventure thriller." The Tenderness of Wolves is one of them. I can understand why people like it because there are plenty of wonderfully crafted moments, but the novel lacks focus and depth. The first book that we read for this year’s Summer School was Stef Penney’s Costa winning novel, The Tenderness of Wolves.. For me, this was actually a third read and it says a lot for the strength of the book that I was still able to enjoy it and find new things to think about despite already knowing the … The story is based on the crimes of German serial killer and cannibal Fritz Haarmann. I also enjoyed the contrast of the first and third person narratives. See all 5 questions about The Tenderness of Wolves…, The Tenderness of Wolves by Stef Penney - 5 stars. ‘The Tenderness of Wolves stood out from a very strong shortlist. The Tenderness of Wolves by Stef Penney, 2006, Viking Canada edition, in English The Tenderness of Wolves. But numerous times I had to flip back to the beginning of the book to verify the time period and location. We’d love your help. Susannah Knox – The younger of Mr. Knox's two daughters who is known mostly for her attractiveness. This brings three men from the Company to Dove River: Mackinley, the leader, Donald Moody, an accountant, and Jacob, a native guide who works for the company and who has named himself Moody's personal protector. The main reason is that I get no sense of place and time! If you're a fan of the mystery and thriller genre and young adult books, recent months have brought a bevy of great reads to your shelves! The Tenderness of Wolves. (I think he picked it because his last name means wolves. Set in a remote Canadian settlement in 1867, a man is brutally murdered! The captivating title is a bit mystifying. This combined with the very human nature of both the story and characters made them human. A historical mystery set in Canada, and featuring what are essentially the precursors to Mounties, It staggers me to see poor reviews of this novel. I LOVED this book, one of the best books I've read this year. The bitter chill of winter 1867 matches the chill of murder and suspicion that invades a tiny town. 8/10. Once he hears of the murder, however, Sturrock sets off for Dove River, hoping to discover the fate of the tablet. Welcome back. The Ojibwe (Chippewa) characters appear to me as rendered either as overly romanticized or mysterious. I couldn't decide which book to buy, and my boyfriend made the decision for me. I suppose that Mrs. Ross comes to feel awe and respect for wolves in her journeys somehow stands for feeling more apart of wild nature than opposed to it, which is reflected also in her growing affection and trust for the part Indian tracker who accompanies her. Thomas Sturrock – Itinerant searcher and former journalist. I suppose that it just shows the difference between people! In this historical fiction set in the Canadian wilderness in the mid-19th century, a French-Canadian trapper living near an isolated village is found murdered in his bed. I wanted to know Maria and Jacob's reactions to Moody's death. Read 5 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Mrs. Ross – Protagonist, Francis’ mother. It staggers me to see poor reviews of this novel. Why did she call it 'the tenderness of wolves'? Her adopted 17 year old son is also missing, and there are several sets of footprints heading north. In 1939. Parker asks Mrs Ross her name and she says he has used it enough. The Tenderness of the Wolves book. When my book club chose this I didn't think I would like it because I usually don't read murder mysteries. The solution to the crime is satisfying, but my main criticism is that the novel is over-loaded: there are too many minor characters, there's at least one sub-plot too many and there are motifs that Ms Penney seemed to get bored with: the tablet with the mysterious signs just got lost near the end, oh well, never mind, and although the idea of one main character who is also a narrator having a shameful past in an asylum was interesting, it left too many unanswered questions (how did she get out? Good, but needed editing. by Stef Penney. ed. Mit «The Tenderness of Wolves» stellt Thomas Galler eine Reihe von Fragen, die sich mit der Originalität und Existenz eines künstlerischen Werks an und für sich auseinandersetzen. In their brief moments together at the beginning of the novel, Angus Ross never speaks to his wife, and she does not have a single good friend who knows her well enough to address her by her first name. We felt enveloped by the snowy landscape and gripped by the beautiful writing and effortless storytelling… A story of love, suspense and beauty. This story takes place in the 1860s in the Northern Territory. I wanted a final scene where Francis and his mother were reunited. The main reason is that I get no sense of place and time! So why the 5 stars? November 14 Archive Read The Tenderness of Wolves, 45 New YA Mysteries and Thrillers You Won't Be Able to Put Down. It�s a little odd to alternate between the narrative for Mrs. Ross in first person and that for other key characters in third person. — The Spectator "Stef Penney, who in an even more unusual coup, won the first novel prize with a murder saga, The Tenderness of Wolves. It does have flaws but minor. Stef Penney's smoothly written debut novel is an engaging and pacy mystery set in mid nineteenth century Northern Territory. It 's one of the book because of the most beautifully written books I read... 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