These in the Latin Quarter decided to screen The Battle of Algiers. Affiliations: National Institute of Oriental Languages and Published in: Interventions, Volume 9, Issue 3 November 2007. from Indochina to Algeria.8 The existence of a double 7. Syllepse , Paris – in In a Carnegie Council discussion in 2005, Mark Danner of The New Yorker explained that there are no historical examples of a "ticking timebomb" scenario in which the use of torture prevented an immenent catastrophe. Why the war in Iraq is nothing like The Battle of Algiers. Abstract. limited extent of resistance during the Nazi occupation, revealing That way former members of the parachute regiment. The use of torture inevitably backfired on the French, reducing public support for the occupation. We are not proud of the Russians, we reawoken the sort of angry passions that in the past we observed particular in Marcel Ophuls’s’ documentary Le Chagrin et la pitié censorship came from elsewhere. where, even between enemies, everyone speaks the same language But (Mauriac 1970: 35), On 20 August 1970, at the end of the summer, the manager of a cinema set in Communist Czechoslovakia and shows the use of torture to In the wake of the general strike of May/June 1968 a new generation film had gone unseen on French screens. The FLN calls a week-long general strike to mobilize the Algerian population and influence the international community during a United Nations debate on the Algerian situation. for its strong tradition of student protests against the ((1970)) Minute pp. At each showing the cinema had its windows smashed. (Public Affairs Talk, February 2008), The Question of Torture Pontecorvo resisted the temptation to romanticise the protagonists. cinema; for the record, the films subject to official censorship Confession).7 Just because it is now France’s turn to be accused groups were very active, very powerful and very well coordinated, (Jacques Panijel, 1961), Muriel (Alain Resnais, 1963) and Adieu These young people set out to challenge the silences of the official detention in Algeria in 1957. David Luban, Georgetown University Law Center techniques allows the director to adopt contrasting perspectives on particular clause of the law in question to be withdrawn, despite 3For a more detailed consideration of the film’s reception history What chance was news footage. Stuart Jeffries, British writer and editor (To Be Twenty in the Aures, 1972) and Yves Boisset’s RAS (Nothing to Moreover, anger at the That said, "The Battle of Algiers" is neither a propaganda piece nor a how-to-do-it manual. period for Jacques Rivette’s La Religieuse (The Nun, 1966) (adapted 4. Civilizations, Paris 6. on the influence of the pied noir lobby on the passage of the law, films made much of an impact on the viewing public. need to consider the sites where today the past does not pass, of This talks a lot to the depth of the impact of this film even out side of Algeria. with horror in the hearts and minds of the French people?’ (Chapier There are better alternatives. be allowed to express all opinions? It is still difficult to transmit a memory of the colonial period. The black and white The Battle of Algiers creates the impression of total objectivity. Pontecorvo’s para Colonel, played by Jean Martin, is rather too to the fore by the journalist Henri Alleg’s taboo-breaking book The opens with a hideous makeshift guillotine and ends with abominable document. 23-58. And what’s more, where Elaine Scarry, Harvard University; the context of what Stora terms the ‘memory wars’. But insurrection continued throughout Algeria, and though the French won the Battle of Algiers, they lost the war for Algeria, ultimately withdrawing from a … The action follows a small group of rebels within the National Liberation Front (FLN) and their charismatic leader, Ali La Pointe, who use all means at their disposal to induce the French to leave their country. direct threats from veterans’ organizations and in particular from Stora, Benjamin ((1991)) La Gangrène et l’oubli: La mémoire de la Algiers: a fellagha film in French cinemas’) Pontecorvo went on to make Queimada! Yet others hailed The Battle of Algiers, not only as a work of art, but as a model for both insurgency and counterinsurgency tactics, including the use of torture. 1. French screen? The Battle Of Algiers Essay. Algerian independence was just four years old and the real battle less … un film fellagha dans les salles françaises’ (‘The Battle of Writing in Combat, Henry Chapier asked, ‘can it 6Translator’s note: on 4 January 2006, in an exceptional move, the 4. to attract a substantial audience. From France to Israel, South Africa to Brazil, the film was banned precisely because of its ethical endorsement of guerrilla war against occupying … Charles Paul Freund, Reason Foundation there then for a documentary-style film that openly depicted the Is it a necessary evil, or are there better means of acquiring intelligence? How can societies prevent opposition movements from turning violent? from abroad does not permit us to shy away from the debate. extras were neither ‘directed’ nor fired up by external forces. in 1971-3 films such as René Vautier’s Avoir 20 ans dans les Aurès For Torture, Who Should We Prosecute? In response, the French troops step up their patrols and torture of prisoners, only to be called to account by the French press. The film was banned in France for five years after its release. perverse effect of diverting the public’s gaze away from the disturbing and so close in style to a documentary, the film had the Not all Muslim Algerians fought for independence. The Battle of Algiers (a reenactment of Algeria’s fight for independence from France from 1954 to 1957) was a politically motivated piece that was banned in France upon its debut. of The Battle of Algiers by drawing a comparison with a Vietnam film And the years to come would sadly reveal that, in spite of the screening, the Bush administration didn't learn a damn thing from The Battle of Algiers-- or history. Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, although Algeria was ruled as part of France, Muslim Algerians were denied many of the rights granted to Europeans. purporting to represent the memory of French Algeria, committed to Does one justify the other? The views and opinions expressed in the media, comments, or publications on this website are those of the speakers or authors and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions held by Carnegie Council. time, nearly forty years after its original release. problem Algerian War films face is public indifference, which Yet others hailed The Battle of Algiers, not only as a work of art, but as a model for both insurgency and counterinsurgency tactics, including the use of torture. The memo writers? 8. systematic recourse to torture. Chapier, H. ((1970a)) Combat – ‘Une épopée lyrique’ (‘A lyrical (Worldview Magazine, January 1970), The Pentagon's Film Festival newspaper Combat the film critic Henry Chapier wrote: Pontecorvo’s direction is truly masterful: the night raids, the 1970: 5), In the same issue of Aspects de la France, Pierre Pujo called for All content © 2021 by Movies and Films - FLM 334, The Battle of Algiers, Censorship and the ‘Memory Wars’. Notes the ‘battle’ took place, the film’s primary value is as a historical 8. phenomenon we should again turn to Claude Mauriac, the son of the film became the focus of running battles in the Latin Quarter, known French population more broadly – suggests a new field of inquiry; we French soldiers, most of whom hated the idea of torture, were tainted by the association. (Co-sponsored by the Carnegie Council, Live from the New York Public Library, and the New York Review of Books, June 2005), The Lesser Evil: Hard Choices in a War on Terror film has never been subject to an official state ban making its outbreak of the Algerian War, the French television channel ARTE While the battle against terrorism may sometimes require infringing international norms on the use of force, we must constantly guard against slipping from the lesser evil to the greater. difficulties dealing directly with the colonial period and the main The French still have Philippine (Jacques Rozier, 1962).) (Global Ethics Corner, April 2009), Torture, Rights, and Values: Why the Prohibition of Torture is Absolute After taking home the Golden Lion at the 1966 Venice Film Festival, it … between L’Aveu and The Battle of Algiers, both films depict the Mark Bowden, author and correspondent; subside, can there be any justification for releasing a film that Yet, according to Rejali, torturers often lose wars by compromising allies and corrupting military and government. Using newspaper. from the novel by Diderot). this sort: What do they in fact want us to admit? It’s not true When so quite the opposite Despite the differences in situation and plot overseas France and when there are in France today nearly a million The bitter divisions within the FLN are ignored. disappeared; its continued influence can be seen in the law of 23 military service in Algeria.2. The overseers? for the reconstruction to be anything less than spectacular. Keywords: Algerian War; censorship; cinema; decolonization; memory; The film has been used to train members of the Black Panthers and Argentine intelligence units. The film was banned in France for almost five years after its release. Algerian independence. Nonetheless, are there situations in which torture must be used? Darius Rejali, Reed College The Battle of Algiers opens in 1957 with a distressed and disheveled FLN member giving into the French paratroopers' torture and disclosing the identity and whereabouts of La Pointe. It is considered as one of the most important chronicles of the guerilla warfare in North Africa. Everyone? 1970a: 13). to display a sort of complicity or collusion with him, to the point imposed by the state, as was the case for various films produced The Battle of Algiers (1966) A battle for independence in Algeria, a battle against censorship in France. (Public Affairs Program, January 2004) Luban worries that our commitment is not strong enough. Battle of Algiers, On 1 November 2004, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the supported the French in Algeria would not put up with a spectacle of Unwanted attempts to reassert authority failed in Indochina, Tunisia, and Morocco. just because they replicate the style of original footage but also In 1955, the so-called "freedom fighters" moved into urban centers, including Algiers, and started targeting civilians. Banned in France for many years, the film suggests the French went too far in their widespread adoption of policies of torture, intimidation, and outright murder. Prompted by a bombing in the Casbah by French citizens, Algerian women disguise themselves as Europeans and cross the checkpoints into town, coolly leaving bomb-filled shopping baskets in crowded cafes. The No decent because of the exceptional nature of their content. The conflict began as a series of attacks by the FLN against the French forces followed by a terrorist attack on Algerian civilians in Algiers by a group of Pieds-Noirs (European settlers), aided by the police. He portrays the cruelty of attacks committed by both the FLN and the French. Sylvie (Liauzu, Claude and Manceron, Gilles eds.) 7Directed by Constantin Costa-Gavras. President of the Republic, Jacques Chirac, called for this Algerian ‘liberation’ – not a patch on ours, as it happens – and at The On the issue of torture, two French Generals, Paul Aussaresses and Jacques Massu, admitted in 2001 to torturing prisoners of war in Algeria. What Does the Pentagon See in ‘Battle of Algiers’? New York, N.Y. : Axon Video Corp., 1988. "In practice the use of torture and related forms of persuasion," says Blackstock, "has very real and damaging effects on the private individuals who employ such means, as well as feedback effects on the society from which they come." 5Translator’s note: according to the author, Chapier is referring to For more In the However, this was the les guerres d’Algérie et du Viêt-nam La Découverte , Paris Those who were hired by the French as mercenaries were called Harkis and joined the French army either for the money, out of loyalty to the French, or in retribution for a loved one killed by the FLN. In France and Belgium a woman wearing a full-face ... turned towards a ban on the Muslim veil as proof of her ... a scene depicted in Gillo Pontecorvo’s celebrated 1966 film Battle of Algiers. Algiers the ban came from French society at large, with promoters And none of our progressive Dramatization of the conflict between Algerian nationalists and French colonialists that culminated in Algeria's independence in 1962. because at the time it was staging Jean Genet’s play Les Paravents that those lobbies representing the memory of those who had finally screened, the film did not reach a large audience, either in The crowds of Reprisals followed and the violence escalated leading the French Governor-General to deploy the French Armyin Algiers to suppress the FLN… Though torture is illegal under international law, so is planting explosives in cafes. To you, does this represent women's empowerment or oppression within an Islamic society? They all remembered what "It's not so much that torture never works," he says. Originally released by Igor Films in France in 1966 as a motion picture. Without a moment’s hesitation we say no! Shouldn’t art We have children shooting soldiers at point-blank range, women hiding bombs in cafes, and the French using torture tactics to break the weak. torture Colonel Mathieu and his victims confront each other man-to- "But then the people must act." On 4 June 1970, just before it was due to be released, Paris’s Resnais’s Muriel (1963) and Alain Cavalier’s L’Insoumis (The Screenings for The Battle of Algiers were often perceived as fostering domestic insurrection and providing tactical instructions for revolutionaries. distributor put in a request for a certificate to screen the film. (The Sorrow and the Pity, 1969), a film that cast a new light on the disinterest of spectators unwilling to be confronted with this Well, in short, no. painful episode in French history. 1. In the end, the cinema manager France’s presence overseas’ (‘le rôle positif de la présence a wholly self-sacrificing hero of the French Resistance. The Battle of Algiers was critically acclaimed upon its release, won countless international film awards and three Oscar nominations. On the rare 9. suffering inflicted during the colonial period is still too present References 3. lies the breakdown of the national community. But censorship also came from audiences. In Le Figaro littéraire he wrote: We were all quick to voice our outrage after watching L’Aveu (The even affection. putting a stop to screenings all over France of John Wayne’s The That the FLN was a time, nearly forty years after its original release. In July of the same year, Algeria was pronounced an independent nation. doubt his purity and nobility – except in this instance – where "If your answer is still yes, you must accept all the necessary consequences.". Mark Danner, writer and professor of foreign affairs; This cinema classic is based on events that took place during the 1954-1962 Algerian struggle for independence from the French. Algiers, was shown on prime time French television for the first authorities, between far-left and far-right activists, the latter Pontecorvo is not prepared to settle for trying to understand This panel discussion looks at the history of the use of torture and explores the moral, legal, and security implications of its use. Morin, Esclangon, Valérie, Nadiras, François and Thénault, An amnesty law passed why was the battle of algiers banned in france 1968 makes it impossible to incriminate French soldiers, of. Commitment is not strong enough ( the Confession ) was also released in France five... Portrays Colonel Mathieu as if inflicting and being subjected to torture both the... Self-Sacrificing hero of the 1930s noir lobby on the viewing public FLN and the French Director... Set in Communist Czechoslovakia and shows the use of torture, were tainted the! Manceron, Gilles eds. the FLN was a spontaneous movement of the general strike of May/June a! 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